Page 30 of Angels In The Dark
One More Habit
I’msoeagerto get back to Juliana I probably run more red lights than any member of HPD should. But being so far from her for even the smallest amount of time is suffocating.
How can a person become attached so quickly?
I keep questioning where these strong emotions come from but can’t find a source.
It’s her.
Her essence draws me in. I want to bask in the light she brings. I’ve barely spoken a handful of words to her and received even less, but they’re all precious. She feels valuable to me.
I can only hope Quinn understands how much this matters. How important this is. Thankfully the other detective seems to somewhat understand. And the friend she mentioned—at least there’s someone else out there who feels the same kind of protectiveness towards Jules. The thought of another person being so deeply invested in her life doesn’t bother me. I’d rather know she has people around her who love and support her than live with the idea she’s alone.
Right now, that’s exactly where she is. Alone in the Mathieson Enterprises compound. Threats are everywhere, and she isn’t truly safe. I’ve only been gone for a mere three hours, but who knows what could happen in that time. Someone could come looking for me and discover her. Is she strong enough to get out of bed? To defend herself? Would she have time to hide?
What if she left?
A shiver goes down my spine at the thought.
No. That would be a good thing. Unlikely as it is.
There’s no way for her to get out without help. There’s security that I run and watchful eyes in the building. That’s the whole point of reaching out to Quinn. I need help if I’m going to get her to safety. It’s all that really matters.
My thoughts wander on the drive.
Nice as it would be to fantasize about a future with Jules and how blissful we could be, the reality is much murkier. But it’s the reality I have to deal with. I can figure out the rest later.
If she… No, when she gets out, she may leave, but I’ll seek her out. I can’t pretend we never met. That there isn’t a magnetic pull between us. She’s my center of gravity, and I’ll forever be drawn to her. Now that we’ve met, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave her.
I arrive back at the compound in time for shift change, which is best suited for avoiding people in the hallways, though the security cameras are still an issue. I hope Arrick won’t be checking them for anything suspicious.
There’s no reason to leave the compound since I’ve only just returned, and I don’t want to navigate whatever questions he’d ask if he knew. Nothing seems to get past the paranoid bastard.
I hate him.
The rot of his soul leaves stains on everything he touches. He has a Midas touch, but his effect is more destructive than creating gold. He causes decay everywhere he goes.
Finally, I arrive back at my door. Nothing looks unusual. No scratches or dents on the door. No splinters around the frame. Everything looks as it did when I left.
Placing my key in the door, I hold my breath until I hear the lock disengage. I open the door slowly to avoid disturbing or spooking Jules. She’s lying on her side, breathing evenly. It appears she’s sleeping.
I close the door behind me and fasten every lock and deadbolt before making my way over to her side. I hesitate at first, but then decide it’s alright to sit beside her sleeping form at the edge of the bed.
Some hair has fallen in her face, and I reach out to brush it away. When my fingers graze her face, I feel her tense, and I freeze. She turns her head and looks at me with her sleep-filled eyes. They are a beautiful silver-blue with flecks of almost purple in them, like geodes cracked in half.
The tension in her body flees when she finally processes who I am. I catch what looks like the beginning of a smile on her lips and can’t help but grin back at her.
“Hey there.”
“You’re back.”
Internal shivers roll through me at the sound of her melodic voice. It’s good to hear, and you can tell her strength is returning by the solid tone finding its way back.
“How are you?”