Page 5 of Angels In The Dark
“Yeah, first-timer. Doesn’t know the rules.”
“Okay. I’ll be back. Thanks, Rosie.”
It’s at that moment Julia walks out, looking stunning as ever. She absolutely glows in the dress she decided on, and a small part of me preens at the fact she took my suggestion.
Since the first time I saw her, she’s outshone everyone. She’s a presence in every room. She takes up space with her curves and her voice. Her laughter is full-bodied, and when she smiles, it’s with her whole face. The woman is absolutely radiant.
And she’s walking directly towards me with a playful smile across her lips, her hips swaying in that teasingly seductive way.
Oh, she’s planning to have fun tonight.
I make my way to her side, and we head over to the table with the drunken asshole of the night. Even with her looking down at me from high atop her Pleasers pedestal, I feel like the most important man in the room. Her arm looped through my own and her hand on my chest settle me before I address the problem maker.
“Hey. I heard you were asking for me?” I drop my voice lower.
I can’t help but notice how Julia reacts to the change. I know she likes it when my voice gets all “grumbly,” as she describes it. And I won’t lie, it’s amusing to see her reaction. A shiver rolls through her body, and the way she leans into me would send any man to their knees. She tries to shut it down every time, but I manage to see it. She’s so open with her every thought and feeling. Plus, I know her too well at this point.
“Jim!” the guy roars. “Good to see you, man! It’s been a while!”
“Name’s James, and I’m not sure we’ve ever made acquaintances before.”
“Aw. Come on, man! It’s me. Chad. We went to school together. We were in the same frat, remember? I have a very hazy memory of you passed out on the couch and drawing dicks on your face.”
I scoff at that one. I have never in my life joined a fraternity. First off, I didn’t come out until after college, and second, I only transitioned a few years ago. Hard to join a frat when you don’t look like you meet their antiquated membership requirements.
“Yeah, sorry, man. I was never in a frat.”
The guy looks genuinely confused at my assertion, but he blazes ahead anyway. “Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. Look, I’m looking for my girlfriend, and I think she might have come by here.”
I shoot Julia a side glance and brace myself for what we both know is coming.
“Her name’s Diana. She’s about five-foot-five with auburn hair. I love her to death, but she got this silly idea in her head that she wanted to try something new. I’m worried about her. Honestly, I hope you didn’t hire her. She’s shit at taking care of shit: the house, plants, anything. She wouldn’t be a good stripper either. Better for everyone if I’m able to take her home.”
His description reminds me of the girl in Julia’s office from earlier. Knowing how Julia will be thinking, handing over that woman to this man is not an option. He’s gone too far; he’s clearly drunk and rambling. But I can also see the alcohol kicking in and his anger starting to rise up.
“I think you’re mistaken. We haven’t hired anyone new in a couple of weeks, and no one’s been inquiring either.”
“Nah, man. I know she was here. I’m able to see it on my phone. See?” He holds up the device in question with a tracking app pulled up.
Crap. Red flag. I tap Julia to signal to the nearest waitress to grab backup. A stony look takes the place of my formerly amenable expression.
“I think you’ve had enough to drink. No one named Diana has been here tonight nor anyone matching her description.”
“Dude. I know she was here. Tell me where she went.” His jaw tightens and his fists ball.
Tensions are beginning to rise, and it’s at this point I see the first glint of a gun in the waistband of his pants. I glance up at Julia quickly to see if she’s noticed as well, but she seems to be focused elsewhere.
“Sir, do you have a firearm on you?” I let go of Julia and take a step toward the man.
“Of course I fuckin’ do. This is Texas.”
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. We don’t allow weapons in our club, no matter what the state says,” I growl.
The man stands and steps towards us. He’s taller than expected. It’s as if his demeanor makes him seem small.
“Tell me where she is, and I’ll be on my way. I mean, how would you like it if someone was keeping you from your woman there?” He starts to move in her direction. “She’s quite the piece, and I’m sure she’d have no problem leaving your ass in the dust. It’d be easy enough to take her too.”
That has everyone’s ears perked up. I should have acted sooner. He’s too close to her, and there’s no way for me to insert myself between the two. Julia holds her ground, but there’s a twitch in her eye as she faces off with the man.