Page 51 of Angels In The Dark
“Call Jay. Now.” My voice makes it clear this is not a request.
I hear a huff come from the corner and turn to see Cy smirking.
“Something amusing?” I spit. My anger is quickly rising. I can feel pressure building that will soon erupt into the room.
“Didn’t think you had it in you, that’s all.”
“Excuse me? What do you mean by that?”
He shrugs, and the action makes me grit my teeth. I could strangle him.
“Didn’t think you had any fight left.” He shrugs, and the urge to hurt him swells.
I’ve never been one for violence, but something has unleashed in me recently. Anger has never really been a useful emotion in the past. I’ve treated it like something that can be put away or traded for something more productive my whole life. But I understand its purpose now.
Anger is a catalyst. It’s an agent of change. It’s fire that fuels action and gets things moving.
I’m embracing my anger and letting the feeling take hold in my body. I want to do something with it. I want to stride across the room and wrap my hand around the neck of the dark man lurking in the corner who’s smirking at me cruelly. I want to lash out in response to his cutting remarks.
“You don’t know anything about me, so shut the hell up.” Venom laces my words. I turn back to Ember. “Call Jay. Now.”
They look taken aback but still reach for the phone and hand it to me.
I immediately start dialing for Jay. After a few rings, I hear him pick up.
“Jay?” My hands start shaking, and my breaths become shallow.
“Julia? Thank goddess.”
Anger morphs into a relief I didn’t know I need. My body shakes, and I breathe in what feels like the first real gulp of oxygen I’ve taken in weeks. Something in me unravels at the sound of his voice, and I start to sob.
“Talk to me. Where are you? Are you okay? Julia, please.”
The reaction rolls through me. It takes over every nerve and muscle in my body. All control is gone, and I sit there crying.
More muffled words come through the phone, but I can’t understand them over my cries. Suddenly, the phone is snatched out of my hand, and I look up to see everyone in the room staring at me except for Cy. He’s focused on the phone and the blur of words coming through it.
My body continues to shake as Cy takes hold of the moment. I can still hear Jay frantically trying to get answers from the other end of the line.
Cy is short and commanding when he speaks. “She’s here. She’s fine. Call you later.”
Jay’s protest begins to sound through the phone until Cy hangs up, and the room goes quiet except for my uncontrollable sobs.
I’m still crying hysterically. Any strength I had quickly fled my body when I heard Jay again.
There’s a long moment with me shaking and crying in bed, and onlookers staring at me with varied expressions of concern. Except for Cy, who seems fed up. He tosses the phone on the bed and storms out of the room.
There I sit, overwhelmed, crying, and completely unsure about what the future holds. The world falls away as I cry, and my mind falls into a frenzy trying to sort out the events of the day.
Soon after, I feel my body strain, and my heartbeat slows as I sink into a deep drug induced slumber.