Page 84 of Angels In The Dark
She Calls Me Daddy
Julianasitsfrozenon the edge of the bed.
“It’s more like he’s hunting you. After you left, he sent me after you, Sage, and he wants you too, Jules. He’s obsessing over you both,” Griffin warns, going to kneel at Juliana’s feet. “That’s why I needed to see you. I needed to make sure you were somewhere safe.”
Even when he takes hold of her hands, she remains unresponsive.
“Honey, what do you need?” I ask.
She needs to come back from wherever she retreated to. The emptiness in her eyes forces an unnatural terror through me.
“Darling, I need you here.”
Something seemed to register with her when I call her darling. She starts to come back to herself, and I want to draw her out further.
I can’t have her retreating to the same headspace I found her in when we met. She has worked too hard to escape that place.
“Jules?” The man at her feet looks like he needs this woman to live. Something about his expression makes it clear he is completely besotted.
Having met Griffin multiple times over the years, it’s surprising how easily he lays himself at her feet. He was so cool and collected in the past. Sure, he was warm and friendly with Kieran, but the man was all business other than those small moments.
His attentiveness shows clear adoration for the woman under my care. It seems their dynamic is different. He gives her something she needs.
“Do you like having him touch you?”
She is still quiet, but it is unsurprising. We’ve seen her cycle between various highs and lows during her stay with us. In the beginning, her fire raged, and passion drove her.
That is not the woman before me. I want the lively girl back. So much was stolen from her, and I don’t want this for her. I want to see her strong and independent.
“What do you want from him, darling?”
She seems to study his face for a while, contemplating what she wants. But there doesn’t seem to be a clear direction.
I’ll give her the direction she needs. After Jay’s visit, we all know she’s not touch averse. So I can focus here in the present.
“Do you want him to touch you?”
The heat flaring in her eyes is all the confirmation I need.
“Yes,” she says.
“Undress and kneel again before her, Griffin.”
I saw before how she reacts to people standing over her. The primal fear she expresses. Every time Cy trains with her, I worry he will pin her to the ground, and she will break. I want to avoid that at all costs.
Plus, this man looks stunning on his knees before her. He glares at me though. If not for Juliana’s outright desire, I think he would walk away.
“My only interest is in her well-being. I am only asking on her behalf. Look at her. You heard her words. She wants this. So do you,” I say.
He glances back to her for confirmation and then stands a couple steps back to undress.
I can see why she wants him. He is beautiful in an uncommon way, and he shows a different light when he submits before her.
Once undressed, he settles back to his knees a few feet away from her. His cock thickening as he watches her.