Page 21 of Solace
Her eyes shot wide open, but she didn’t do as I asked.
“Don’t panic, I’m not going to touch you, I promised that I would allow you one rule, but I have to ask does that also include kissing?”
“It does,” she said in a firm tone.
“You do drive a hard bargain. Now, go over to the bed.”
“And do what?”
“You must be frustrated or was your plan to leave here and go to your room?”
“Does everything revolve around sex?”
“You’re the one who was caught touching yourself not me, even if my cock is as hard as nails.” She glanced down. My mouth dropped wide open. “There isn’t a man alive who wouldn’t have got an erection finding what I did.”
“It wasn’t like that,” she said, stepping backwards and her eyes stayed on my girth. I forced my dick to bounce, just to offer her some temptation.
“Enlighten me.”
“You were caught playing with yourself. Only my question to you would be why? You come in here to clean up a spillage, which still needs doing and I find you fucking yourself. Come on…let’s hear it.”
She turned her head away from me in the direction of the bathroom.
“Ah were you being naughty and snooping?”
“No,” she said, shooting me a glare. “I did not snoop.”
“So, what did you do?”
“Layla, stop playing games, you saw me in the shower, and it turned you the fuck on,” I said, as I took small steps towards her.
“No, no that isn’t what happened,” she replied as she took a step away from me. “I imagined you naked in the shower and…oh fuck!”
I stopped and stared at her quirking my brow and smirking.
“So, you imagined me naked in the shower and…it turned you on?” I stepped closer to her, wanting to break her, wanting to make her say what was truly on her mind. I just wanted to touch her, relish her, and sacrifice everything. I had promised myself not to in the past with ladies, to get too close, but this one, she had me, she caught my hook line and sinker, and I was sinking deep. She was pretty, sexy, and damn right made a stupid fluttering sensation in my heart.
Of course, I wouldn’t touch or do anything she didn’t wish. This girl was unique and needed to be treated like my queen even if I knew nothing about her. These were new feelings to me and having them wasn’t appreciated.
She said nothing but carried on walking backwards to escape me.
“I don’t mind you climbing on my bed and finishing what you started. I can go back in the bathroom and pretend I never saw you.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “What, no…that’s not happening.”
I glanced back to the bathroom, debating whether to go in there and give her the chance, only much to my shock I felt a gust of wind and spun to find Layla has gone and the bedroom door opened and slammed behind her. I turned hot on my heels to glare at the door disappointment washed over me.
Hell, I needed that girl and fast!
“Boss there is still no news on the daughter. No one can find her, Ricco has been spotted searching for her by one of the club's managers,” Carlo told me.
“Do you have a fucking picture of her?”
“No boss, for some reason there is nothing on her, only of her at her mother’s funeral and then she was covered up.”