Page 3 of Solace
The car returned and pulled up with its headlights shining on the black-suited man who was pointing the gun at me. I noticed that he was bald, tall, and masculine, ten times bigger than me as I stepped out and looked him in the eye. He moved forward quickly and took a firm hold of my right wrist then took out his phone and dialled someone.
“We have her boss,” he said to whomever he was talking to.
I closed my eyes, betting I was going to be scrutinized, left with no dignity intact and who could blame them, I had been an intruder on their land. The man pulled me down the street and back to the gates with the car slowly following behind. More men turned up; I was doomed, I really had no chance of breaking free, the giant of a man held my wrist even tighter as we got to the gates. He pulled me back onto the grounds and I noticed that the house lit up like a Christmas tree.
Oh, cacca, I was in trouble, this wasn’t how I planned my escape in my head.
We walked up the driveway towards the entrance of the house and I was dragged through a massive arched oak door. The hallway was something glorious with marble tiling and a crystal chandelier so big that it covered most of the hallway, the jewels hanging from it glistered in the light. I was pulled down a corridor towards another thick oak door, where we stopped suddenly, as my captor removed a set of keys from his trouser pocket and unlocked it with one of the keys. I looked forward and found that there was just a set of old wooden stairs in front of me. I almost lost my footing trying to keep up as we descended, but the giant didn’t care, he just kept gripping my wrist.
“Please, I can explain everything,” I pleaded, only fearing it was doing no good.
The giant said nothing as we reached the bottom step and walked down a small dark, corridor until we came to a silver metal door, he opened it while he still kept a firm hold of my wrist.
“Please, you are hurting me, I can explain,” I pleaded again.
Again, he still seemed to have no interest in what I said. We reached another door which he unlocked and opened, then threw me inside the room like a rag doll. A light was flicked on, it was just a single bulb that hung in a corner of the… I glanced around quickly at my surroundings, it was dark, dismal, damp, with a concrete floor, it was uninviting, to say the least, I knew then that I was in a basement. There were some cupboards and a table to the far side but that’s about it, there was nothing nice about this room at all. If anything, I had to find another way out yet again of this place.
I ran to the opposite side of the room and noticed another door, only on trying the handle I found that it was locked. I swivelled around to see another giant of a man placing a chair in the middle of the room. A large lump formed in my throat, and I trembled at the thought of what I was about to go through. I tried to swallow around the large lump that had formed in my throat only it wouldn’t shift. My whole body ached, and I feared for my life. I could’ve been getting all it wrong, but I had seen this treatment far too many times from Papa and Ricco. I’d witnessed men being beaten black and blue as questions were asked, once the torture started, I left, there was no way could I watch such horror. My heart skipped a beat and fear built in my stomach as I watched the two men, one of which now held some rope.
“Please… I can explain, you don’t need to harm me,” I said in one last attempt to not be restrained.
The two men walked towards me, and like a bullet, I moved quickly trying to confuse them as to which way I was going, sending them the wrong way before I managed to make a break to the door. As I ran for it, I glanced back to see the two running after me, I was finally out the door but then I hit something that was hard and firm. I staggered back and lifted my head to see a set of piercing blue eyes glaring at me, an unfathomable look and I gulped.
“Sorry boss,” one of the giants said to whom I assumed was the boss.
“Can you not keep your hands on this little runner?” the boss said, his voice jarring.
My arms were taken hold of, and I was spun back around, one of the giants led me back into the unfitting room where I was forced to sit on the chair. My bottom hit the cold seat with a hard thud.
“Honestly, you don’t need to tie me,” I begged to whoever would listen.
“That’s where you’re wrong,” the newcomer said huskily.
I sat in the chair without retaliation and just allowed them to tie my wrists to the chair, at least I still had my feet loose, but that was wishful thinking as the other giant returned with more rope and restrained my ankles. Maybe, if I closed my eyes, I might’ve been able to transport myself to somewhere that was hot and idyllic and not be in this hell hole. I heard footsteps coming towards me and my body tensed in alarm, fearing this was the point I was about to be interrogated and tortured.
I kept my head down staring at the cold floor, as a pair of smartly polished shoes appeared in my line of sight followed by legs encased in a pair of black smart trousers. I closed my eyes tight; I wasn’t prepared to look at him. Only the man placed his finger under my chin and forced me to lift my head, so I could make eye contact with him. I was stunned to find a handsome, sexy man with dark hair, a short beard that lined his jawline, and those blue eyes that were the same ones I saw just minutes earlier in the corridor, but also at my mamma’s funeral.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” he said in a deep throaty voice.
He never blinked; his eyes were blank as I heaved in a breath, I knew then that I was in more trouble than I had first thought.
“Do you have anything to share with us, princess?”
My phone rang disturbing me much to my annoyance, after everyone was told not to disturb me… what do my men do? The fucking opposite.
“Fuck! You’re kidding me, right?”
My dick was deep inside Monica’s mouth and she was sucking me off like some fucking lollipop, I was so close to an orgasm, as the blood pumped hard and fast through it. I quickly glanced down to see her working her mouth up and down my length while she kept her pretty eyes on me and lapped up my precum. She was topless and her tits were on full display, she was a dirty bitch and loved the way I called her just for a fuck. Reluctantly, I picked my phone up and answered.
“What?” I gave my firm voice as no one got off lightly with me.
They had to know who their boss was, I owned them and thankfully I had a good bunch of men, even though I’d lost two of them recently.