Page 34 of Solace
I held my hand across my chest. Fuck, what the hell was I to do?
Scared, I kept back. I watched in a daze as Antonio ordered his men to gather everything together and get the cars ready to leave. I had no idea what the outcome would be or if papa would be involved and get caught up with Ricco. My heart collapsed I struggled to breathe. No matter what I felt he was my papa and did some evil things. My bigger concern was would Antonio and his men come back alive.
I had seen the capabilities of Ricco, he shoots people for just looking at him wrong, I had witnessed it far too many times, wrong place at the wrong time. Blood had splattered all over the place and I had often found the cleaners, cleaning up the mess. I once caught the bodyguards carrying out a man and threw him in the back of the car. I cried and curled up in a corner rocking back and forward for hours, worried if I didn’t start doing what he wanted I would be next. I would never have allowed that monster to touch me intimately, only if he pulled a gun on me, in fear of my life I might have done.
Ricco deserved everything he got, I always tried to stay away from hearing what he was up to next, it was obvious, drugs and weapons were high on the list.
I watched as his men got ready, the cars pulling up and being loaded of whatever. A tear filled my eyes unsure what was about to happen or whether Antonio would come back alive or not.
“Boss, we’re ready,” Luigi announced as Antonio appeared from the top of the stairs wearing a suit, pulling his cuffs down and buttoning his jacket. He looked so good, only unfortunately for the wrong reasons.
Carlo gazed at me, I stood bewildered, unsure how I am meant to react or say.
Antonio approached me firm and abrupt. I placed my hand on my face littered with nerves, aching like never before. He took hold of my hand and pulled me into the nearest room. With the door closed he pressed my body to the wall and instantly pressed his lips to mine, kissing me, fleeting, sexy and turning me on.
“Will you be gone long?” I asked between his kisses.
“A few days. I will be back before you have time to miss me. Just do me a favour and don’t annoy Denise,” he said, rubbing my chin.
I smiled. His eyes glowed.
“You will come back?”
His stare intensified. “I don’t wish to hear that talk.”
He pressed his lips divinely to mine. He released and stepped back. He opened the door and without looking back, left. My heart sunk into my tummy. If I didn’t know Ricco, I wouldn’t be so worried, only I do and if Antonio came back alive and safe my heart would melt for him.
I left the room to walk down the corridor to see them all loaded into the Range Rovers, five in total and off they all speeded away down the drive, one after one they all disappeared, and I was left alone.
I stood on the porch for some time when thoughts invaded me about Ricco and how evil the man was.
Remembering the first time I ever witnessed his evilness. I was ten and regretted every second of being curious.
Sat reading, I was in the lounge. My feet were wrapped under me, lost in the book.
These days Mamma’s miserable, she hardly ever smiled and when she did it was when Paul her driver was taking her out shopping, I sometimes tagged along those were when I saw her smile the most. She laughed and giggled so much with Paul, if anything he brought solidarity to her heart, he made her shine, but of course, he was her driver.
I had known Paul all my life, he was the one who took us places, went on holidays, and day trips away while papa stayed at home and worked. I never really understood why he didn’t wish to be a family and share some good times, but his work was important. Workaholic he was, but he provided for us. Mamma never worked and me, well even if I mentioned getting a job Papa, wasn’t impressed. I never won any argument with him unless it involved me buying more stupid clothes.
Woken I was from my thoughts to hear rustling and bustling outside the lounge door. Loud voices and screams came, and I had no idea what was going on. I placed the book down on the table and rose to see what was going on. I opened the door to see a man being pulled through the house with the bodyguards surrounding him. I crept out curious to find out what was going on.
I followed as they took the man into my papa’s office. I saw my papa sitting behind his desk.
“This is the informant,” Ricco said, holding the man by his throat.
The man was turning blue as I sneaked into the room behind a bodyguard.
My papa stood and made his way around the desk. He stood before him, glaring evil into his eyes.
“Is this true?” my papa said gruff and controlled.
“Fuck you,” the man spat.
My papa didn’t motion if anything he stood there not moving an inch. The man just spat at him, and he didn’t even wipe it away from his face.
Ricco released the man.
“You can all go to hell.”