Page 39 of Solace
“Does it hurt?”
“No, I assume the doctor has me medicated up. I thought of you.” She snapped her head to look at me. “When I was shot. I thought of you and only you. You gave me the strength to stay awake and make it home.” I had no idea if what I told her was right or wrong, but either way, I couldn’t retract it.
She kneeled on the bed facing me. “You shouldn’t have been in that position in the first place.”
“Layla, there are people who want me dead,” I told her honestly.
“And they almost got it. You’re no use to me dead.”
I lifted my hand to cup her chin and cheek. “It’s who I am. I am trying to protect you, while this fool…I could use worse language is…well, let’s say I don’t like his wrongdoings.”
“Is he the one who shot you?”
“Yes, and a coward at that from behind. Look he didn’t kill me, but he seriously needs to be careful as I’m on his case. Only I will be facing him, I want to see him when he falls.”
She swallowed. I rubbed my thumb over her lips.
“I care about you, and that scum bag will not take me away from you.”
She took a firm hold of my hand from her lips, removing it. “You don’t know that.”
“Layla, I am staying here with you, if it’s the last breath I take,” I reassured her.
“Can you not stop this?”
“I would, only this man, well let’s just say, I’m not safe with him around.”
The door was knocked upon. I rolled my eyes hating the fact we’re being disturbed, the door opened to see the Doctor.
“I hope you’re resting,” Evans said as he walked in the room and to my side of the bed.
“Of course, I’m being a good boy.”
Layla grinned at me and climbed off the bed. I didn’t want her to leave.
“I will be back later,” she said, turning back to look at me. She left the room leaving a gaping hole opened in my heart.
My heart dropped into my tummy.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would say you have found your princess,” Evans stated.
I gazed at the Doctor and then back at the door, my Layla.
Chapter 21
DANIELLA aka Layla
Istood outside Antonio’s room heaving my breath, urgently wanting him to stop putting his life in danger. He almost died for fuck's sake and yet the man still wanted to go out there and catch Ricco. That man was poison, and what he did, shooting him from the back was nothing I didn’t expect from him. He’s a countless, evil, vindictive, sadistic snake who would stop at nothing.
Wishing I could tell him the truth and stop this now before he ended up dead and I was left with another broken heart. I urgently wanted solace not more pain. For the first time in years, I was free. Free to do as I pleased, and not be constantly looking over my shoulder, every time I was at home. He was there like a bad smell.
Scared, that Antonio would go back out, and Ricco would be lurking like a bad stench somewhere to pounce and destroy.
I hated the life I was born into, and it was no surprise my mamma did all she could to protect me and take me away as often as possible. I missed her and wished I could talk to her and get some advice.
Making my way to my room where I sat on my bed staring out to the garden, debating if to go and visit my mamma’s grave, only I feared I wouldn’t be allowed to do it alone. I couldn’t take the chance in anyone seeing me at my mamma’s grave, it would send suspicions and I had come all this far still living on a lie, to give it all up now.