Page 41 of Solace
He smiled. I shifted my weight down the bed and with the tray I made my way to the door, only first I stopped to glance over my shoulder to see he had fallen into a sombre. Adorable.
Leaving the room I made my way to the kitchen. Once inside no one was about, pleasing me. I cleared the tray and washed what I had before drying and putting it all away.
Pleased, I made my way back out to the corridor when I saw Monica. I stopped to stare at her, I sensed how she felt earlier when Antonio kicked her out of the room, but that wasn’t my fault…well it was. I know she was his whore and well he used her to get his end away, but that wasn’t my fault. I just happen to come into his life and now it appeared I was the only one he was being sexual with.
Monica gawped at me; her eyes narrowed. I swallowed unsure if to turn back and go the long way around to my room.
Before I had a chance to think about the matter, Monica stood in front of me and took her hand to my throat pushing me to the wall. Her hand was secure around my throat causing me to cut the oxygen supply to my brain, I couldn’t breathe the bitch had a tight grip on me.
“Listen here you fucking bitch…stay the fuck away from Antonio, tell him about this and I will be back. Next time, you will not walk away,” she gritted her teeth.
Her hand released and I placed my hand around my throat where she gripped. I breathed heavily to get the oxygen I had been starved back through my body, I coughed and tried to get my mind together.
I glanced up at Monica her eyes thinning, meaning some serious business.
“Don’t think I am fucking joking, bitch…” She barked.
Monica walked of strutting her hips from one side to the other like a lady of the house, only she wasn’t. The truth be known I feared her and right now I will do what she ordered, even if it tore a chunk out of my heart.
I’d done everything in my power to avoid going to Antonio, even if each time I passed his room my heart thumped against my ribcage and begged me to knock and go in.
Lost in thought in the lounge, when I heard footsteps, I turn to find Carlo and Cecco.
“The boss wishes to see you,” Carlo informed me.
“Tell him I’m busy,” I abruptly told them. They both looked at one another bewildered.
Cecco tilted his head to the side. “I don’t think the boss will accept that excuse.”
“Tough, tell him I’m working. I cannot just dump everything because he said so,” I said aware exactly that was what he expected and after all, he’s the boss. “How is he?”
Carlo glared at me. “Let’s just say once I deliver him your news he will be pissed off. So, your answer is?—”
I placed my hand up not needing to hear his words.
The men left the room, and I was left pondering over my words and what his reaction would be. The fact remained that Monica damn well scared the living shit out of me, even if pissing Antonio off was more frightening. I hitched my brows aware of the repercussions. I decided to fly around the room in the hope to be finished before Carlo and Cecco came back.
I packed my cleaning products away when the door swung open. I lifted my head and much to my surprise.
“Antonio,” I said shocked.
“Glad you remember my name! What happened to you coming back to be with me?” he reminded me as he wears a pair of white shorts, allowing me to see he’s well hung. His bandages on full show. He slammed the door behind him.
“Sorry, but work has been busy, and I didn’t wish to upset Denise, anymore,” I fed him that excuse.
“Fuck that woman. I will be having words with her.” He moved painfully closer as he winced to me.
“I’m sorry, but she can make my life hell,” I told him as I stepped back.
“And I won’t?” He narrowed his eyes at me. I gulped trying to remove the lump from my throat. “I want you to come to my room.”
“I have plans.” He cocked his head to the side. “How are you?” I ask in the hope to take his mind off me going to his room.
“Now you ask?” he said irritated.
“Sorry, but…”
“But what? Come on I would like to hear the excuse,” he said, moving to the sofa to sit down, he flinched. He leaned forward waiting for my answer, he scrunched his face up telling me he was in severe pain.