Page 52 of Solace
“Help me to understand. Look I have never felt this way to a woman and my papa would kill me, as I promised to never get close. I need you to know I can take those horrors away.”
“How can you when all you do is deal with shitty people and death? For God’s sake Antonio you were shot twice, does that not sound alarm bells to you?” she said with hostility.
I sat back and contemplated what she said.
“No, that is my world, it’s all I know, it’s what I was brought up in. Layla, I know nothing else and there are rewards for people who bring me down.” I leaned forward, resting my hands on my knees, I want desperately to touch her, she was so beautiful, delicate and most of all mine. If only I knew how to express my true feelings to her.
Tears welled in her eyes, and I saw she was struggling with her inner demons.
“I need you to talk to me, give me something to be aware of. Had you witnessed or been involved in such a horrendous moment?” I asked, I had to keep her with me.
She swallowed; my heart ached. I pleaded in my soul for her to tell me, I ran my hands through my hair ruffling it before rubbing my chin.
“When I was a child, six. I was a typical kid. I heard lots of voices and thought there was a party. I skipped down the staircase and sneaked into the room, no one saw me. I hid behind a man and peeked through his legs when I saw a man kneeling, begging, and crying. The next thing I saw was a gun being held to the man’s head. There was a loud bang. I jumped and covered my mouth before I screamed and drew attention to myself. I watched as his blood splattered all over and the man’s lifeless body dropped to the floor. I have been scared ever since,” she admitted with torrents of tears running down her cheeks.
“That is a terrible memory for a young child to have. So, this was why you freaked out?”
Layla shook her head. Tears ran down her cheeks, the horror for any child to see such a thing would live in your mind forever.
I moved across to her and wrapped my arms around her back and underarm, and my right under her legs and picked her up, I lifted her and placed her over my lap, holding her tight and cuddling to the point I never wanted to the moment to end.
“I am so sorry. If I had known, I would never have…”
She pulled her head out from my shoulder. “It’s okay, you weren’t to know. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Well rest assured you will never witness or see anything like that again, I can promise you that.”
“Antonio, don’t make promises you cannot keep.”
“I will keep that promise to you and until the day I die,” I told her as I meant every word.
“Antonio…” I pressed my finger across her lips.
“I will not hear another word about it. I will make sure my men are aware that there must be no such incidents if you’re here…not that I intend to shoot people in the head, I normally go for the kneecaps,” I said to lighten the mood as she giggled.
“Now you’re being gross.” She smiled and looked so pretty.
How was I to stop these feelings, if of course I wanted too?
Chapter 27
DANIELLA aka Layla
The weeks were passing by, and I was still joyfully cleaning the mansion as Antonio worked. I was safe and Antonio had done nothing but reassure me I was well protected here, I believe him. Denise had got off of my case now that everyone in the house was aware we were in a relationship. If anything Denise was going out her way to be nice, probably worried I would tell stories to the boss, I wouldn’t, would I?
“Have you finished in the lounge, Layla?” asked Denise.
“I have.”
“Would you mind cleaning Mr Conti’s bedroom?”
I smiled aware what was coming. “Sure!” I smiled.
Taking hold of my basket and made my way to the bedroom passing Luigi and Cecco, guessing they had all come back from a business meeting.
Knocking on the door, like a good girl, well I had to act professional. I opened the door and stepped inside to find the room empty. I closed the door behind me to see the room left exactly as I had this morning. I walked further into the room placing my basket down close to the door. I turned to see the door to the closet and ensuite open. I walked over curious, wondering if Antonio was in there. Eager I was to find out, I stepped inside the closet to see all his suits hung in colour coordination on the rail, I ran my fingers through the suits loving to feel the connection to him.
The ensuite door was a tiny fraction open and without hesitation I could hear water running. I licked my lips and ran my hand over my swelling breasts. My man was naked in the shower having the water cascading over him, I tightened my core muscles in excitement. I opened the door to allow my tiny frame through. There he was stood in the shower, the room steamy and his bottom facing me. I wasted no time in stripping of my dress and underwear and made my way over to him. I stood inches behind him before wrapping my hands around his thick waist and finding his erect cock.