Page 59 of Solace
Trying on several outfits, but I felt empty, I hadn’t done this since mamma, passed away.
I pulled back the curtain to find Antonio surprisingly stood before me with a face like thunder.
“We need to leave. Now.” he scorned.
He purchased the clothes and I put the hood back up and was escorted out to the car. I stopped to stare at the square once again, my heart just couldn’t take this deep gut feeling anymore. I was weakening by the second, all I wanted was my mamma, just to hear her voice and tell me I am going to be safe, and no harm would ever come to me.
Inside the car, it soon took off like a bullet. I gawped as we drove around the square, leaving my soul there. I turned my body away from Antonio not wanting him to see me crying again. I was a mess I was full of shame and pain. I had betrayed the one person who gave me solace and now, I had lied to him; he deserved the truth even if the consequences might finish me and him.
Tear after tear escaped, keeping my face hidden so Antonio didn’t see. I wiped them away only another would fall. We had driven away from the square. I closed my eyes tight as I pictured the most beautiful woman, her dark shoulder length hair, slim, always wore nice, elegant clothes. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror I see her, we have the same eyes and nose, and temperament, how she made me into the woman I am today.
Taking hold of the car door and tried to open it, only it was locked. I started to panic and took the handle forcefully in hope it would open.
“Please open the door I need to get out,” I freaked out.
“Layla,” he spoke frantic. I held the door handle tight. I had to stop this behaviour, or my life was over before it had a chance. Then again, I was a ticking time bomb…my life would soon be over then I would be back with my mamma.
Taking my hand of the door handle and think about my actions. I pressed my lips firmly together, as another tear ran down my cheek.
“Sorry,” I faintly said.
Antonio said nothing.
Tonight, I would tell Antonio the truth. I am a Dellucci.
Sat on my bed, trying to fight my demons, the feeling that escaped earlier, I never expected Antonio to take me to the same place of my mamma’s death.
Moving to the balcony doors and with both my hands I hold of the and opened them together. The air flew past me creating my hair to blow back. The air was blissful, finally giving me the vital air to breath.
Stepping out onto the balcony and gazed across the estate wondering what I was to do.
I wanted to scream. I wanted all this pain to disperse, I was haunted by a terrible personal tragedy that stole my soul. I want to be the happy young girl I once was. Yet, I was happy with Antonio, only he was my enemy and soon he would know what a lying little bitch I was, but it was all to save my life.
When Antonio finds out who I really am I would be tortured, he would take me piece by piece and I would have no strength to fight him or his men, they were all stronger than me. I had nothing and no one to protect or fight for me.
“Layla…” I heard the voice of Antonio.
I pulled back the voile to find him staring narrow eyed at me holding a folder.
“Please do come sit down, I have something to discuss with you,” he informed me as he sat down himself and patted the sofa.
Stepping back into the room padding my bare feet on the carpeted and moved to the sofa to join him.
His eyes never left me, scrutinizing me. My heart raced something inside my heart told me what I was about to be told or discussed I didn’t wish to hear.
His knees touched mine.
“I have been doing some research today, serious research as something troubled me earlier. And well, what I discovered left me with a heavy heart, one I found rather soul destroying. You see Layla, my heart has grown fond of you, enough to leave me considering making you my queen. Only, now I’m trapped between heaven and hell. I don’t appreciate these mixed feelings at all, ones you have placed me with.”
“You see, it’s strange I never placed the two together, my men have been searching for a girl, a woman, a pussy who I felt would be a great asset to use to lure in the enemy, my men have been hunting high in low. It has been a race against time to get me her. I need her to use as a weapon, bring my enemy down on their knees. Only they have been searching for nothing, well the girl is alive, but my men have been on a wild goose chase. She isn’t fucking there. You see,” he said as he gets up and walks to the French door. “I thought I’d get the girl and play their game.”
He turned and walked behind my sofa.
“My men, they called me, told me they had something I’d wish to see, something about this girl, the Dellucci, the runaway. A girl on the run, can’t imagine why? So I went to my men, to see what they had,” he said as he remained to stand behind me. “I fucking hit the roof, I wanted to murder all my men there and then and not give a flying fuck. You see Layla,” he said as he moved around and sat back on the sofa opposite me. “They gave me this,” he reached inside his jacket and produced a picture and flicked it onto my lap.
A picture of me.