Page 74 of Solace
His stance turned to me, and our eyes fixed together.
“I was happy to be the monster that I had been labelled and I will carry on doing what I do best, only I am now the boss and I will shout the orders. I just want Daniella back to use and abuse and fuck her,” Ricco admitted.
“Is that what all this is over, the girl?” I questioned, eager for the facts.
“Pretty much. Malinco promised me more if I got the girl back. He was a fool, old fool,” Ricco laughed.
“So, take her, if she means that much to you. Personally, she has been nothing but a pain since I found her,” I said, glancing at Daniella as she took small steps closer to me. I had to stay focused on the two men behind me.
“Yes, hey, don’t get too close to him. I will shoot you, Daniella,” Ricco announced.
She faced Ricco. “Ricco, I have something I wish to do before I become your whore,” Daniella said, like she even cared anymore.
“Like what?” he sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Chop of this man’s dick.”
He scoffed. “What? Are you crazy woman? Just allow me to put a bullet between his eyes.”
“He used me for sex. I want him to suffer.” I raised my brows as she narrowed her eyes at me.
“Charming. I will bleed to death,” I added.
“Exactly,” she replied.
“You really want to cut off his dick?” Ricco enquired.
“Yes, I will need your knife,” she said as she held her hand out to Ricco for the blade.
“Oh wow, that is pretty shit, if she wants your dick. What do you plan on doing with it?” Ricco asked.
“I’ll make him eat it,” she scorned, as we stared sharply into each other’s eyes.
“Shit man you pissed her off.” Ricco laughed.
My gaze stayed with Daniella as she walked to Ricco. She stood as brass as anything and held out her right hand for the blade.
“How the hell do I know how to trust you?” Ricco enquired.
“I’m your whore. I belong to you, and you have a gun, shoot me if I try anything,” she said matter-of-factly.
Personally, I was getting bored and ready for this to be over with. Ricco stared blankly at me before adding a crooked grin.
“Oh boy, I feel for you Conti,” Ricco sang.
I had no idea if Ricco would give her the blade and much to my surprise, he did. I stood blown away, Daniella had the knife in her hand and with a smug expression made her way back to me. The knife was long and damn well likely to cause some serious pain. I felt pissed off I was about to lose my dick. Ricco stood firm as he held his gun pointing directly at me when I caught some activity outside the pool house. I sensed my men were ready.
“Trousers,” she ordered me. Her stare was poisonous as she stood there like she was made of stone.
Surprised, I lifted my brows. “You’re serious?”
“Fuck yeah, you used me for sex and was going to throw me to your wild men and allow them to rape me. All to get to the Dellucci’s.”
“That is correct.”
In a motion, I started undoing my trousers and dropped them down to my knees.
Daniella cocked her head to the side raising her brow.