Page 35 of Bastard-in-Chief
Sophie slumps, leaning into my touch. “I just…we’re just…” She waves a hand around my office and takes a visible breath. “Listen, Mr. Sutton. The weekend was amazing. Thank you for making me feel, well, feel like something other than a sad, lonely, single-mom for a moment. I will treasure that memory for a long time. But we both know there’s no way this can work out.”
I recoil at her words. This is not what I want to hear, not the kind of speech I was hoping for from her. What did I expect? That she’d fall at my feet at the offer? Isn’t that exactly what I don’t want? The reason I like her is that she doesn’t treat me like I can do no wrong. What if she only came over because I’m her boss and she was scared of the consequences? Have I become that guy?
“Sunshine. Sophie. Did you, um, did you not enjoy yourself this weekend?” I force myself to ask the question. Why else would she be saying no? I don’t step away, but I can’t look at her, can’t bear to see the pity in her eyes when she tells me her excuse.
A soft hand against my cheek has me turning back to look at her. “Theo,” Sophie whispers, her eyes sincere. “The weekend was amazing. Truly. I’m sore in places I forgot could be sore.” Her cheeks go pink. “But, well, you’re you and I’m just me. Let’s leave it at that, okay? A wonderful memory, untouched by reality.”
This time she does walk away, and I let her, ignoring the snick of my office door closing as I slump down on the couch. I never even had a chance to tell her that I was going to take her to Seattle for the night. I’ve never wanted to prove to a woman that I have more money than I can spend before, but Sophie? I’d spend every penny on her if she’d let me.
Well, if she won’t come when I ask nicely, maybe I won’t ask.
Being the boss has to be good for something, right?
Dear Ms. Price,
Your attendance is required at the 4th Annual Tech for Teens fundraising gala this Friday at 8pm. As this is a work-sponsored trip, Mailbox will arrange for your transportation to and from the event. Your transport will meet you at Mailbox at 7pm, sharp. Black-tie dress. Please acquire the appropriate attire and submit your receipts for reimbursement.
I wave my phone under Lauren’s nose as she follows me into my house. “What is this? Did you do this?”
Laughing, Lauren grabs the phone, her amusement audibly dropping as she reads the email. “What? No. I didn’t have anything to do with it. That’s from Sutton’s Executive Assistant. He must have asked her to send it to you directly.”
I busy myself looking through the bottles of three-buck Chuck in the cupboard, avoiding eye contact. If Lauren sees my face, I’ll give something away.
“Sophie? What happened? I thought you said your gala evening with Sutton was a disaster? Why would he invite you again unless…Soph. You didn’t! Tell me nothing else happened.” She grins. “Better yet, tell me something did.”
I continue avoiding eye contact, searching for my electric bottle opener. A hand holds it in front of my face a second later. When I don’t move to take it, Lauren takes the bottle clutched in my hand and pulls the foil cap off. “Spill.”
“Well. See. I mayhavekissedSuttoninthelimo.” The words come out all in one breath.
“You…kissed Theodore-sexiest-man-alive Sutton and you didn’t tell me?” Lauren’s screech is echoed from Emma’s room.
“Mom!” Her head pokes out of the bedroom. “You did what?” Emma comes bounding out, already in her pajamas. Or has she been in them all day? She was silent and broody in the car on the way home last night and still asleep when I left for work this morning. “Wait, is that why you and Teddy were all weird when we found his dog?”
Lauren pours the wine, splashing a bit on the counter at Emma’s words. “Wait. Hang on. Why am I the last to know? You found his dog?” Lauren eyes my kid. “Teddy? Did you just call the scariest, grumpiest man on the face of the Earth, Teddy? The man is a bear all right—the kind that’ll rip your head off just for fun.” She stops asking questions just long enough to take a sip of her wine. “Talk. Now, missy.”
I’m not getting out of this. If these two gang up on me, I’ll never have a moment of peace. “There was some kissing in the limo after the gala.”
“Go, Mom!”
At my glare, Emma mimes zipping her lips before gesturing for me to continue.
“I know there’s more. What about the dog-finding?” Lauren’s question has Emma’s ears turning pink.
“Um, that was kind of my fault.” Emma squeaks. “I had Max outside on Friday after you dropped him off, Aunt Lauren. There was this SUV of dude bros and I maaaaay have flipped them off when they cat-called me. They honked and Max got away from me. I was looking for him when Teddy came around the corner looking for his dog. Did you know his dog is also named Max?”
“Okay, first of all, high-five for flipping them off, way to smash the patriarchy. Second, if I check your TikTok will there be another video of Max? Cause you know I live for that shit. Should we make him his own account?” Lauren stops to take a sip of wine. “Never mind, not the important thing. Teddy? How the fuck are you on a first name basis with Mr. Sutton? And what happened with the lost dog and cat situation?”
“Lauren, can you try to keep it to one curse word per speech? I like to pretend I’m a good mom.” I can’t help the heavy sigh that escapes me at her words.
“Mom.” Emma rolls her eyes. “You stopped caring if I swore at home when we had to struggle through Algebra together.”
We all raise a fist in the air and yell “Fuck algebra!” then resume the conversation without missing a beat.
“It’s math. The rules are different.” I raise an eyebrow at Emma over the edge of my wine glass. “Continue.”