Page 38 of Bastard-in-Chief
She says a hurried goodbye and hangs up as I get to the reception desk.
Tina, that’s her name, scurries away as soon as I make eye-contact, while Julian jogs over to the elevator bank. I hold up a finger for him to wait, stopping at Sophie’s desk. Ms. Masterson doesn’t speak, just slides over from her perch on the edge of the desk to make room for me. I glare at her but she just gives me a blank look back.
“Ms. Price asked me to pass on a message to you, sir.” Sophie’s voice wavers for a moment before she clears her throat.
“She wanted me to let you know she received your email regarding this weekend and that she is looking forward to it.”
A face-splitting grin escapes me before I can school it back into my usual scowl and I tap the desk. “Excellent. I’ll be in touch with her to make arrangements.”
I don’t trust myself not to do something stupid like pull her into my arms and kiss her soundly, so I walk away, not looking back. But as the elevator doors start to close, I’m sure I hear Tina’s voice. “Was he…smiling?”
By Friday, the struggle to keep up my morning routine is painful. I’ve been coming into the office earlier and earlier to avoid passing Sunshine’s desk with an audience. Today, I beat her to the office, but by ten in the morning I’m in desperate need of her smile so I wander downstairs and out to my car for no reason other than to get a glimpse of her.
Of course, she’s much better at acting professionally than I am and continues her phone conversation as I walk past the first time, giving me nothing more than a head nod. The second time I pass her, a hint of a smile graces those luscious lips, but it isn’t enough. I need the real thing. So I spin on my heel, make some kind of exasperated noise and go back to my car. After the shocked look on her face as I pass her a third time, she finishes her phone call, giving me the opportunity to stop and speak to her.
“Good morning, Ms. Alexander.”
“Good morning, Mr. Sutton. Is there something I can do for you today?”
I pause, aware that Tina is listening to our conversation. “No thank you. I just wanted to double check that Ms. Price’s phone had been returned to her.”
Sophie bites her lips, is she trying not to laugh at me? I pull my eyebrows together and glare. “Yes sir, she has it.” A subtle movement of her left hand draws my eye, revealing her phone tucked to the side of her keyboard.
I nod. “Good, good. I wouldn’t want her to miss any important messages.” Needing to abort before I say anything else stupid, I head to the elevator without another word. My phone buzzes in my pocket as the door opens on the top floor.
Sunshine: Did you actually need something from your car? Or was that badly acted performance for my sake?
Grinning, I type out a response.
Me: Badly acted? I would be offended, Sunshine, but my sister most assuredly inherited all the acting skill in our family. Although, I believe that my niece Clara may end up giving her a run for her money.
We text sporadically throughout the day, revealing tantalizing tidbits about ourselves.
Sunshine: Are you allergic to anything?
Me: No. Are you?
Sunshine: Vicodin—no foods though. I don’t particularly like shellfish, something about the texture just doesn’t do it for me. Sometimes I say I’m allergic, to get out of eating it.
Me: So flying you to Maine for fresh lobster wouldn’t be your idea of a good date? Noted.
It takes her entirely too long to answer, but again, I can’t be mad, knowing she’s doing her job and doing it well. Damn her excellent work ethic.
Sunshine: Flying me anywhere for a date is unnecessary.
Me: Challenge accepted.
Her text has me amending my plan for tonight. It will take longer to get there, but it will be worth it.
I don’t bother going home, choosing instead to change at the office. Mercedes leaves me at her usual five-thirty, hiding a smile at my change in plans.
“Goodnight, sir. I hope Ms. Price appreciates the date you’ve cooked up for her.”
“Have a good weekend, Mercedes,” I call back to her. “It’s an event, not a date.”
“If you say so. You know, I wash my grandbabies' mouths out with soap when they lie to me.”