Page 43 of Bastard-in-Chief
“Like the way he was disrespectful of you by cheating on you and already proposing to his new girlfriend? His new, pregnant, girlfriend?” I don’t want to hurt her, but after she shared the story last weekend, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I want to murder the man.
Her shoulders hunch at my accusing words. “I know it’s stupid.”
Keeping my tone as measured and calm as I can, despite the fact that her yokel of an ex is still getting this much compassion from her, I touch her thigh. “Sunshine, he doesn’t deserve your concern. He already proved that.”
We don’t speak for a long moment—Sophie looking everywhere but at me, my eyes not leaving her face. Eventually, her shoulders relax and she peeks sideways at me.
“Maybe you’re right.” She reaches out to smooth her hand over my cheek and into my hair. Closing my eyes I revel in the sensation. Until she clears her throat. “I wish I could say that was the only reason.”
I scowl at her words and Sophie pulls away. “What’s the other reason?”
Instead of answering, Sophie lays down beside me, facing me. “Can you picture it from my perspective? When word gets out at the office, you might get a few looks, but who’s going to be brave enough to say anything to your face?” She traces a finger along my cheek. “But me? I’ll be subject to every look, every whisper, from every Dick and Karen walking through the front door.” She puts a finger over my lips before I can get a word out. “And no, moving me to a different position won’t help. It will only start more gossip that I moved in the first place.”
As her words sink in, I know she’s right. I hate that she’s right and everything in me wants to argue and fight to get my way and stop it from happening. But I can’t be with her every second of the day to glare at anyone who says a word out of place.
“Hey.” Her words and light tap on the nose pull me from my spiraling thoughts. “I’m not saying I don’t want this.” She leans forward to give me a tender kiss, pulling back before I can angle for more. “I just want to be sure before I risk everything.” Her smile turns sad. “The unfortunate truth is that if things go wrong, the consequences for me are much higher than for you.”
“I hate that you’re right.” My agreement is more of a growl, but she smiles anyway. Reaching over her waist, I pull her close before pinning her under me. Her lips are still the sweetest I’ve ever tasted. A buzzing from somewhere in the room, one of our phones, distracts me for a second before I dive back in for another kiss.
“Teddy, that’s my phone.”
“Ignore it.”
She pushes me off and squirms out from under me. “At six in the morning? No can do.” Without waiting for me to answer, she fishes her phone out of the pocket of her dress and looks at it, the smile on her face dropping. “Emma? Are you ok?”
My carefree Sunshine is gone in a heartbeat, worry replacing her smile. Sophie walks into the next room, whispering frantically into the phone. I pull my own phone out of my slacks and fire off a couple of messages before picking up the hotel phone and ordering a few things.
Guess our discussion will have to wait. I slip into the bathroom and clean up as best I can, rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash and splashing water on my face before pulling on my boxers and the robe I found hanging on the back of the door. I grab an extra and toss it to Sophie just as there’s a knock on the door.
Wide-eyed, she looks at me then the door, phone still pressed to her ear.
I jerk my chin toward her. “Go in the bedroom for a second.”
She disappears and I pull open the door, revealing a slightly out of breath young man holding out a bag.
“Here you go, sir.” His eyes go wide at the hundred dollar bill I give him before nodding and disappearing down the hall.
I take the bag inside and into the bedroom where Sophie’s sitting on the edge of the bed, robe askew, still talking. “Yes, I understand…Thank you.” She looks up at me with a question in her eyes.
“We can be home in two hours, maybe less.” I dump the contents of the bag on the bed. I pick up the smaller of the two t-shirts and sweatpants from the gift-shop downstairs and hold them out to her. “Here. I didn’t think you’d want to get dressed in that again.” I jerk my chin at her dress laying crumpled on the floor.
She gives me a small smile before speaking back into the phone. “Yes, I give consent.” She stands to take the clothes from me. “Thank you,” she whispers, kissing my cheek.
“Do what you need, I’ll take care of everything else,” I whisper back, wishing there was more I could do. Sophie scurries into the bathroom with her clothes and phone, closing the door behind her, still on the phone.
Worried about Emma and why Sophie is consenting to things over the phone, I busy myself with gathering up all the bits of clothes we tossed around the room last night, smiling when I find my bowtie and one of her stockings hanging off the corner of the dresser. Our clothes folded and stored in the bag room service just brought, I pull on my own sweatpants and t-shirt, grimacing at the giant “Seattle, WA” logo splashed across the front. They’re ugly, but much more comfortable than flying home in a wrinkled tux.
By the time Sophie emerges from the bathroom, I’ve gotten the text I was waiting for. “Ready? The helicopter is here.”
She slips her heels back on and follows me to the door. I should have thought to have them bring her some shoes too. Next time, I won’t forget.
“Thank you.” There’s a tremor to her voice as we head down the hallway and to the elevator. “I’m sorry for cutting everything short.”
“Hey.” I twine my fingers with hers as we step inside and hit the button to take us to the roof. “No apology necessary. Is Emma okay?”
Sophie turns a pair of worried eyes up to me. “I don’t know. Lauren has her at the ER right now. They called so they could get started on some tests immediately. I hate that I’m so far away, that I’m not there. I’m all she has and I’m not there when she needs me.” A sob bursts out of her as she finishes speaking. I try to gather her up in my arms but she turns away, hiding her face in her hands instead. “I shouldn’t have come with you.” Her broken words leak between her fingers with her tears.