Page 55 of Bastard-in-Chief
Tall, Dark and Handsome: There’s probably a lot of things I could do to help, but since you don’t seem to want my assistance, I won’t push.
Me: I appreciate that, but you don’t owe me anything. I don’t want you to feel obligated.
Tall, Dark and Handsome: I don’t feel obligated. I WANT to help. I care about you, Sunshine. When you care about someone, you want to lighten their load. I just want you to know that when, or if, you ever need it, the answer will always be yes.
He cares about me? I know I care about him, more than I want to admit, but I never thought I was anything more than a distraction to him.
His words to me in Seattle come floating back up to the surface of my mind. Anything, everything. It’s all yours, Sunshine. The glimpse I’d had of his face when he said it, the vulnerability, the hope sparkling in his eyes before he’d buried his face into my neck. He means it, and he’s the one who’s been brave enough to say it out loud, unlike me.
But still, the idea of asking for his help grates a nerve inside me that I can’t ignore. I don’t want to be rescued. I want to rescue myself.
Me: Thank you. Where are you? You haven’t been to the office?
Tall, Dark and Handsome: I’m in CA visiting Casey and the kids. I thought you were taking the week off?
Me: I came back on Thursday. Tina requested the days off months ago. How’s the family? Happy to see you?
I can almost hear his growl in response to my shallow questions.
Tall, Dark and Handsome: Are you home alone right now?
Me: Yes. Why?
Instead of a text, my phone vibrates with an incoming video call. I am not prepared for a video call. My hair is greasy and twisted up on my head, I’m not wearing any makeup and the angry red zit on my chin is on full display. Not to mention I’m wearing an old ratty sweatshirt with stains on it, and an old pair of Jake’s boxers that I refuse to give up.
I hit decline and throw my phone across the couch, where it immediately buzzes.
Tall, Dark and Handsome: Answer the phone Sunshine.
Me: I am not video calling you, I look disgusting right now.
Tall, Dark and Handsome: I don’t care, I just want to see your face.
Me: Nope, not going to happen.
My heart slows to a less frantic pace as I take back control of the conversation. I don’t have to see his stupidly handsome face if I don’t want to.
Tall, Dark and Handsome: Sunshine. Answer the damn phone.
I could draw this out, turn it into a flirtatious fight. But as fun as that would be, I’m too tired of fighting Theo to enjoy it. I won’t win against the stubborn bastard and he knows it. So I do the smarter thing instead.
“I don’t want to fight over it. No video.” I say the second he picks up.
His growly sigh has goosebumps prickling down my spine. “Sunshine. Why are you such a pain in my ass?”
“Only to you. Everyone else thinks I’m made of lollipops and cotton candy. I’m a fucking joy.” The teasing words are out before I can stop myself. Theo’s chuckle tickling my ear is intoxicating, making me want to keep going, even though the flirty banter is dangerous territory.
He interrupts me before I can get going though. “Sophie-fucking joy-Alexander. What am I going to do with you?”
“I don’t know, sir. You’re the one who was trying to call me. What do you need?”
There’s a long silence before he answers. “I need a lot of things. I called because I didn’t want to type out a long response to your question. Casey and the kids are good. Missing Garrett, but otherwise good.”
“That’s good. I’m glad you got to see them. I’m sure you miss your family.”
“I do. But I think coming here may have been a mistake.”
My heart stops.