Page 14 of Chief-of-Security
“See you later.”
I watch her go, hating the fact that Derek joins her in the elevator. “You okay?” I check on Tina as the doors close with a whoosh. “I hate that asshole.”
Tina gives me a funny look. “Uh…you and Frankie looked cozier than usual. Anything you want to tell me?”
Fuck. I forgot Tina was a witness to our little charade—it’ll be all over the building before the end of the day. I shrug. “We’re just friends. It’s not a big deal.”
Tina doesn’t let up. “Whatever, Mr. Silent and Broody.” She pauses, considering her words. “More like Mr. Not-so-Silent-but-Definitely-Broody, I’ll keep your secret for now. But only because you saved me from Derek.”
All afternoon I catch Tina watching me. The first few times she blushes and looks away, typing furiously on her computer. But by four thirty, she just smirks back at me. As the elevator doors open on one Lauren Masterson, I know why.
“I knew you were hiding something at the party!”
Fuck. “Hiding what?” Maybe if I play stupid—easy since I’ve been doing it my whole life—I can bluff until Frankie gets here.
“You and Frankie.” Lauren’s heels click loudly on the tile floor as she crosses to where I’m standing. “I knew it. You can’t hide this kind of thing from me, Julian. I have a nose for a good romance.” She grins, tapping the side of her straight nose.
“There’s nothing…” I don’t want to commit to anything until I talk to Frankie.
Lauren waves me off as the elevator opens again, this time a crowd of people spilling out. “There’s no use denying it. She already admitted it to me.”
“She—what?” I track the crowd, making note of who’s leaving.
“Well, she didn’t exactly say it. She says you guys are just friends.” Lauren rolls her eyes. “But it’s obvious you two should be a thing. It’s not like it’s against the rules or anything. Not after Theo and Sophie.” Lauren leans close, her chin-length hair falling in front of her face. “You know—friends-to-lovers, single dad, opposites attract? The whole age-gap thing? So hot.”
“Age gap? I’m only six years older than Frankie.” She’s speaking English, but I have no idea what Lauren is saying. “What the hell are you talking about?”
She leans forward, tapping her hand against my cheek. “You and Frankie living out my romance trope dreams.”
I jerk back, my face on fire. “Lauren…”
She mimes zipping her lips. “I won’t spill, not unless you want me to.” She tips her head to the side. I follow the line she indicates to see Derek striding out the door, his face pulling into a scowl when he spots me watching him. So much for him working overtime tonight. “He deserves to be taken down a peg or two.”
Hatred for that asshole flashes through me, and I growl under my breath.
“Apparently you agree.”
Guess I growled a little louder than I thought.
I can’t explain, or make any more of a mess, before I spot the flash of Frankie’s orange hair stepping out of the elevator.
“Frankie!” Lauren waves her over. She smiles as she spots Lauren, but the expression freezes on her face as she spots me. The genuine smile turns fake as she makes her way over to us.
“H-h-hey.” Shaking fingers tuck her hair behind her ear as she stops in front of us. She glances over her shoulder, smiling at someone walking past. “What’s up?”
I follow her gaze to spot two of the developers leaving, watching us with grins on their faces. Shit. Once again, I’ve fucked this all up by being too big, too noticeable. If it wasn’t for my big, dumb self, Frankie wouldn’t be the subject of office gossip right now.
“I was just telling Julian that if he hurts you, I’ll rip his balls off.” Lauren’s cheerful words don’t hide the fact that she means it. I’ve heard enough stories from Sophie not to disregard Lauren’s words. My balls agree—shrinking up inside my boxers in hiding. “Have fun watching the game!” She kisses Frankie on the cheek before heading out the door.
“Have fun, guys,” Tina calls from her desk.
I offer my arm to Frankie. “I guess we better go, huh?”
She doesn’t take my elbow but doesn’t walk away either. “Uh, yeah. I guess you better walk me to my car or something.”
She follows me out the door, always two steps behind. It makes my skin itch that I can’t see her. We’re waiting to cross the intersection to the parking garage when she grabs my hand. “Julian…”
The light turns, and the crowd surges across without us. We’re an island in a sea of people. Frankie bites her bottom lip, looking so unsure that I want to kick myself for getting us both into this mess. “Frankie, I’m sorry—”