Page 65 of Chief-of-Security
“I’m staying at her place tonight. I got her,” I assure Sophie when she points at Lauren’s bobbing head.
Sophie makes sure Lauren is steady before scooting her chair back and standing. “Think about my question, Frankie. Once you know the answer, the rest is easy.”
Mr. Sutton drops an arm over Sophie’s shoulders as they walk away, her head resting against him. They’re so perfect together that if I didn’t love Sophie so much, it would be easy to envy them.
Lauren blinks at me, a smirk on her face. “I’m not that drunk,” she declares before I can say anything. She calls us a ride and pushes back from the table to stand. “Are you ready to go?”
“I’m so ready to be done with this night.” I wrap my arm around Lauren’s waist and guide us both through the hotel lobby to wait.
We’re both quiet in the car, Lauren leaning her head against the window, eyes closed and humming under her breath. I can’t stop thinking about what Sophie said. I’ve been treating Julian like my dirty little secret—except he’s anything but. Everyone at work knew we were dating, even my family knew after his cameo on my birthday. So why am I still acting like no one can know that we’re doing everything you would expect a normal couple to do?
Including having mind-blowing sex.
Does Julian think I’m embarrassed of him? That couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s amazing. Kind, a dedicated father, hot as hell, and smarter than he lets on. He should be embarrassed to be seen with me.
Holy shit.
I’ve been so wrapped up in why Julian couldn’t possibly want to be with me. Running away before he discovered that I’m not enough of a woman to deserve a man like him.
It never occurred to me that I was significant enough to actually hurt his feelings.
I help Lauren out of the car, pulling her keys from my clutch and letting us inside, still lost in thought.
“Maxy!” Lauren stumbles forward to avoid the cat twining around our feet. “Who’s a good boy? Did you miss Mommy? No, Mommy can’t pick you up, I’m wearing velvet, silly boy. I’ll never get the hair off me.” She baby talks to the cat while she pulls her shoes off, kicking them off by the door, then reaches back to unzip her dress. “Help, please,” she calls over her shoulder when she can’t reach. “I have to remember this is not a single person dress.”
I finish pulling my other boot off, then unzip her. “Single person dress?” My phone drops on the floor when I pull my boot off. “Shit.”
“Meaning, I can’t reach the zipper by myself. Good thing you came home with me. Pickings were slim at the party, and I’d hate to ask Mr. Dick across the hall for help.” She shudders.
“Let me guess, it wouldn’t be the first time?”
“In my defense, the old lady who used to live there was very sweet and happy to help me. She used to give me cookies, and I would carry up her groceries for her.”
Lauren wanders off to her bedroom, stripping out of her dress as she walks. She’s much steadier on her feet than when we left the hotel.
“You don’t seem nearly as drunk as I thought you were,” I call out as I make my way to the guest room where I left my bag earlier. The stress of the night, coupled with the crazy week, hits me like a ton of bricks as I pull my dress off. I could sleep for a month. After a thorough inspection of my bag, no telltale cord to charge my phone emerges.
Dressed in a baggy T-shirt and sweats, Lauren wanders in and flops on my bed. “Can you keep a secret?” She doesn’t continue until I nod, pulling on my tank. “I’m really not that drunk. I just miss Sophie—she’s so comfortable. And I know she misses taking care of me, so really, I was doing it for both of us. Besides, you’d be amazed at what people say around you when they think you aren’t paying attention.” She taps the side of her head with a grin.
Laughing, I pull on my sweats and lie down next to her. “You are so weird.”
“Shh, don’t blow my cover.” Lauren giggles. “So I’m thinking, after listening to you tell your story—very badly, by the way—is that this all started because you’re scared of Derek and too much of a chickenshit to speak up to HR about it. Then you finally ovaried-up to do something about it when we announced the launch party, even if it was a terrible plan.” She pops up on her side to stare down at me. “But you’ve had more than friendly feelings for Julian since before the holiday party, haven’t you?”
I roll onto my side to stare at Lauren. “Why do you think that?”
“You and Julian were friends even before I adopted you. Sophie introduced you, right? This may sound crass, but if you didn’t have the hots for him from the start, why would you stay friendly?”
“Because he’s nice?”
She waves me away. “Lots of people are nice. Doesn’t mean you have to be friends. And you’re not exactly Ms. Perky. I adore you and your recluse ways, but you have to admit that you’re not good at people-ing. You put effort into being friendly with Julian. There had to be a reason.”
I pick at the comforter, not making eye contact. “You may have a point. But it wasn’t on purpose, really. I just…liked being around him.” I wince, my idiocy dawning on me as I speak.
Lauren smacks my side. “You dummy. Do you hear yourself? Ugh!” She flops onto her back to gesture at the ceiling. “And now it’s the long, dark night of the soul, and you’re here at my house! I take it back, universe!”
She’s lost her damn mind. “What the fuck are you talking about, Lauren? Dark night of the soul? I’m not that upset.” That’s a lie. The enormity of how clueless I’ve been weighs on me more with each breath.
Arms covering her eyes, Lauren groans. “I can’t with you sometimes.” She takes a deep breath before explaining it to me like I’m a toddler. “In any romance book or movie, there’s a moment where everything is lost. The lovers are doomed. They’re facing the possibility of never being together again.”