Page 14 of Pinot Promises
Something about Jackie’s confession sticks at the back of my mind, but I don’t have a chance to think about it before she pats my knee and stands up. The four of them settle at the small dining table behind me. Sitting alone on the couch, my back to the action, I can’t help feeling like an intruder on their little unit.
What exactly is their relationship? I keep listening to the easy conversation behind me, puzzling it over. Olive calls them grandma and grandpa, but I’m sure they’re not related.
Jackie throws occasional questions my way, but most of the talk at the table is about the upcoming harvest, Greg’s sprained wrist, and Olive’s schoolwork. I have nothing to contribute, and it’s making me cranky. Why did I agree to stay?
Right, because Nurse God-It-Was-Hot-When-He-Carried-Me-Like-a-Princess Grumpypants over there told me to. And like an idiot, I stopped arguing.
Twisting around so I can see them better, I decide to insert myself into the conversation instead of waiting for an invitation. “I’m surprised by how modern this cabin is, did you have them built recently?”
“Remember the new owners I told you about? He had them build these three cabins about four years ago. One for me and Greg,” she counts them off on her fingers. “One for Nathaniel, and one extra, just in case it was needed. Which it was.”
I turn my glower on Kel. “There’s a whole extra cabin? Why can’t I sleep there?”
“That’s Nathaniel’s cabin. Some squirrels got into the basement and ruined the electrical panel. There’s no electricity in the building right now.”
“And Nathaniel is…” I trail off as Jackie’s face falls. Shit. Greg also looks sad, and Kel is glowering with the heat of a dozen sun lamps.
“Our son,” Greg answers after an uncomfortably long silence, the only other sound Olive’s tuneless humming as she shovels pasta in her mouth. “He’s currently living in France.”
It’s clear from his tone that’s the only answer I’m going to get, but it’s enough to solve a few of the mysteries of this family dynamic.
“Can I be excused?” Olive pipes up, already sliding out of her seat. “Maggie, do you want to watch a movie with me?”
“You can be excused to take your plate to the kitchen and see if Maggie is done with hers.” Kel answers, in that softer tone I’m realizing is reserved only for Olive.
Only after Olive has taken my bowl and set it carefully in the sink does he answer her question. “You can ask Maggie if she would like to watch a movie with you after you say goodnight to Grandpa Greg and Grandma Jackie and then get into pj’s.”
Ugh. He’s such a good freaking dad, it makes me want to throw up. It’s really unfair of the universe to wrap up all of my fantasies into this grumpy-ass package. A package with an ass I’d sincerely like to get my hands on.
After a round of good-bye’s, Kel disappears to help Olive with her pajamas. A few minutes later I hear the shower running. I pull out my phone once I’m alone so I can text Ophie and not think about the naked man in the shower a few feet away.
Me: Hey, I know I was supposed to be home this afternoon but tl:dr I am staying at the winery tonight. I’ll be home in the morning.
It doesn’t take long for Ophie to answer.
Ophie: Is there a hot man involved? Please tell me there is a hot man involved.
Me: There is a man, but not in the way you think.
Ophie: And how do you know what I’m thinking?
Me: Because I know what kind of movies you watch, and this is not a Hallmark movie moment. I sprained my ankle or something and driving is a problem. I’m staying here tonight and need to go to urgent care tomorrow.
Ophie: Do I need to come and get you now? Or do you have a plan?
The gif that follows of a red-headed kid wiggling his eyebrows clues me in to exactly what kind of plan she thinks I might have.
Me: Yes I have a plan, but not the kind you’d like. He has a kid. Everyone is keeping their hands to themselves tonight.
Ophie: You’re no fun. How am I supposed to live vicariously through you if you refuse to do anything exciting? I only have time for school, I need you to make up for my lack of a life. Besides, how long has it been since you and Frank broke up? It’s time to get out there and live, big sister.
I glare at my phone. Calling off my wedding is not the same thing as just breaking up with a boyfriend. More than that, my whole life in Seattle blew up. I’m still in recovery.
“Who’s Ophie?”
Startled, I drop my phone in my lap. Olive is standing over my shoulder, reading my phone screen. Fuck. “Sh-arknado, you scared me.”
Olive lifts an eyebrow. “Sharknado?”