Page 30 of Pinot Promises
“So, remember how I said I’m the family screw-up?”
I almost choke on my last bite at Maggie’s declaration. “Um, yes?”
“My parents are in Vermont, apparently. And they don’t trust me to keep a copy of their house key. So it looks like you’re stuck with me tonight.” Her shoulders are tense as she speaks and she’s carefully avoiding making eye contact with me.
Is she waiting for me to object again? Or is she upset about not seeing her family?
“Right. Um, okay.” I don’t know what the right answer is. Thank fuck, because if you walk away from me tonight I’m going to descend back into the foul mood I’ve been in all day? That you’re the sunshine I didn’t know I needed? “We can get two rooms.”
For a second, I think there’s a flash of disappointment on Maggie’s face, but it’s gone too fast for me to be sure it’s not just my own wishful thinking. “Sounds like a plan.”
She didn’t say it was a good plan. Fuck. I’m screwing everything up.
Before I can try to explain myself, Maggie is up from her chair and heading to the restroom. I scrape my fingers through my hair before pulling out my phone. I find an inexpensive hotel near the other parts store location, checking to see that they have rooms available.
Maggie doesn’t sit down again when she comes back, just slips her arms into her coat. “Ready?”
I throw a couple bills on the table and follow her out. Again, the silence is deafening as we get started. Is she angry? Tired?
Maggie keeps the conversation light as we head to the hotel, and as nice as it is not to have the awkward silence, it doesn’t help me figure out if she’s upset or not. She follows me into the lobby, eyeing the slightly run-down furniture and coffee urn in the corner.
“Hi, reservation for Adams.” I turn my attention to the young man behind the front desk.
“Right, that’s one room—”
I interrupt him, nervous that Maggie is going to think I duped her. “That should be two rooms.”
The clerk types and clicks for a few seconds. “Sir, there’s only one room on the reservation.”
I glance back over my shoulder, but Maggie is busy looking through all the different teas. Leaning forward so she doesn’t overhear, I pull my phone out of my pocket and open my email. “I made this reservation fifteen minutes ago, and I know I asked for two rooms.” I open the confirmation email I hadn’t bothered looking at earlier. “See.”
“Sir, that says one room.” The clerk unhelpfully points to the obvious on my screen. “We are sold out tonight, and I personally sold a room about fifteen minutes ago. I would guess that between the time you selected two rooms and finished confirming, the second room was gone.”
The floral smell that Maggie exudes hits my nose as she joins me, close enough that her curves press into my side. “What’s wrong?”
I resist the urge to wrap my arm around her and straighten up from the desk. “There’s only one room left. I’m sorry.”
For reasons I don’t understand, Maggie grins. Turning to the clerk, she leans forward. “There’s only one room? Is it a king size bed or two queens?”
I cringe, waiting for the clerk to respond. “Maggie, I swear—”
“Shhhh.” Maggie places a finger across my lips, cutting me off. “Let the man speak.” She turns to face the clerk, brushing closer against me.
My poor dick is even more confused than I am. All I want is to take Maggie up to that room and strip her down, but the last thing I want is for her to think I planned this to take advantage of her. The way she keeps touching me, generally when I keep my mouth shut, makes me think that she might want that as much as I do, but every time I open my goddamn mouth she steps back or looks upset.
The constant movement of blood in and out of my brain has left me an inarticulate, indecisive mess.
“There are two double beds, ma’am.” The clerk reassures her.
Maggie does a slow blink before turning to face me. “See? Not a problem. Just because there’s only one room doesn’t mean there’s only one bed.”
If the bulge in Kel’s jeans gets any bigger, I might start fearing for my safety. Being split in half by a dick is more of a fantasy than something you want to happen in real life.
Kel growls under his breath when it takes two tries to get the hotel room door open. Growly Kel, when it’s not directed at me being an idiot, might be my favorite. It sends goosebumps down my spine.
The entire car ride here, I thought he didn’t want to share a room with me because he didn’t want me. But as I was pretending to look at the tea selection in the lobby, it dawned on me. He’s actually just that decent.