Page 34 of Pinot Promises
The dirt path leading up to the main tasting room leads off to my right, while the path that Kel carried me up, the one that leads down into the fields, curves down the hill to my left. Do I go and look for Kel? Or should I head straight to the tasting room and get to work?
I fire off another text to Kel, letting him know I’ll be in the tasting room, and take off to my right. My doctor probably won’t be happy with me for walking this much on my foot after he just gave me permission to go back to regular shoes, but at least I was sensible enough to wear my running shoes instead of the cute boots I’d originally considered.
As I clear the small hill to the tasting room, two large SUVs come into view, parked at the front of the public lot. I’m second-guessing my assumption that it would be a quiet day as the sound of laughter reaches me through the open doors.
I step inside as quietly as I can, not wanting to draw attention to myself, but the squeak of my wet sneakers on the poured concrete floors gives me away. Two women are sitting at the bar chatting with Jackie. The blonde is short enough that her feet dangle from the high stool, one foot occasionally resting on the higher foot bar. Her blonde hair is in a long, thick braid down her back, obscuring the pattern of her sweater. Beside her, a willowy brunette with chin-length hair perches on her own stool, her long legs reaching the bottom rung with ease. She’s the one talking, telling them some kind of story—from the way they’re laughing it must be hilarious.
“Maggie!” Jackie waves me over. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”
The blonde and the brunette eye me as I make my way over before giving each other a meaningful look. If I wasn’t sure they were friends before, it’s obvious from the silent communication between them that these two women know each other intimately. Normally, that kind of look would have me on the defensive as I approach, but there is something about the way the blonde smiles at me, friendly and open, and instead of being wary I’m filled with a desire to become their friend.
Everything about the way they turn toward me screams that they are girl’s girls, and I am here for it.
“Hi, I’m Sophie,” the blonde reaches out a hand. “This is Lauren.” She points to the brunette who also shakes my hand.
Jackie leans forward to interrupt. “Maggie is the event planner who did that shower here a few weeks ago, Sophie.”
“Oh!” Sophie turns to her friend, Lauren. “Did I show you the pictures Jackie sent me from that?” She pulls out her phone and hands it to Lauren. “They’re in the text thread with Jackie,” before turning back to me. “I absolutely loved what you did. I had a dream once of doing events here. I do love to throw a party, but Teddy said I wasn’t allowed to take on any more responsibilities—”
“Not just Teddy. You already work too much, Soph.” Lauren interrupts her friend before going back to the phone.
Sophie ducks her head and grins. “I work a normal amount. You two just think I don’t need to work at all.”
“You do remember who you are married to, right?”
I can tell this is an old argument between them. Instead of engaging, I watch the expression on Lauren’s face as she swipes through the photos on Sophie’s phone. “This looks fantastic, congrats.” Lauren smiles at me, handing the phone back to Sophie. “What kind of events do you do?”
“Pretty much anything. I’ve been doing a lot of corporate work this fall, which was surprising, but that’s who reached out.” I shrug.
“What’s your favorite kind of party to throw?” Sophie swivels her knees toward me, bracing her elbow on the bar. “I always thought I’d make a good event planner, but life didn’t happen for me that way.”
I tip my head, thinking. “Probably weddings. I haven’t done any since I moved here from Seattle, but I love planning them.”
Jackie pulls out a wine glass and sets it beside the other two on the counter. “Can I get you a glass of something?”
Hesitating, I don’t answer right away. I’m not pregnant. I can’t be. Logically, I know the chances are minuscule. But a tiny part of me isn’t sure if I’m happy or sad about it, the part that thought I was going to marry Frank and have a gaggle of babies by now. After a second, I shake my head. “Not yet, although I would love to get a charcuterie board and some sparkling seltzer. I actually—”
“Weddings, huh? I’ll keep that in mind, not that I know anyone getting married anytime soon.” Sophie pokes Lauren, with the familiarity of old friends.
“Damn, Sophie, that was right in my boob. Ow.” Lauren rubs at the side of her chest.
I can’t help laughing at the way these two are together.
“You have to excuse her. My partner and I are happily living a bicoastal life that doesn’t include any plans to get married or have babies and it annoys Sophie.” She pokes her friend back, eliciting a sharp gasp from Sophie. “Anyway, it’s your own fault for letting Theo plan your Vegas wedding without you. You’ll just have to wait for Emma to get married one day.”
Jackie slips to the side of the ladies to set a can of seltzer on the bar for me. “Here you go. Did you need something, Maggie dear, or did you come just to relax?”
I sidestep the pair as well, who are still arguing over who might let them plan a wedding first, Emma or Liam, whoever they are. “I needed a change of scenery while I was working, so I brought my laptop with me. Do you mind if I camp out for a couple of hours to finish designing some stuff?” Now that I have to say it out loud it sounds ridiculous, so I lower my voice. “I was kind of hoping to see Kel too, while I was here.”
Jackie’s face lights up. “Kel is busy showing Theo how harvest went, but they’ll be back here eventually.” She leans forward. “Are you the reason he’s been caught smiling no less than three times in the last couple weeks?”
Heat creeps up my cheeks at Jackie’s words and I can’t control the answering grin that takes over my face. I shrug, pretending to be nonchalant. “I don’t know.”
A hand on my arm startles me. “Wait, you’re the reason Kel is less grumpy than usual?” Sophie’s grip on my arm is surprisingly strong.
With a start, I realize that all three women are staring intently at me. “You guys know Kel?”
Lauren is the one who answers. “Of course we know the hot single dad who sacrificed his own career to step into his best friend’s place at the winery. Who never flirts with any of the women who come through here—and believe me they all try because have you seen his shoulders? Anyways. Yes. We all know who Kel is.” She takes a deep breath. “And before you ask, I am very happy with my man, and I never tried to flirt with Kel.”