Page 47 of Pinot Promises
“This is going to be a very strange question and I apologize in advance,” the brunette says. “It’s Maggie, right? You’re the event planner?”
“Yes?” My right eye keeps watering. I snag a napkin off the table to my left. “Is something wrong?” Dabbing at my eye, I look past the stunning pair around the room.
Angela and Scott are in the middle of the dance floor. I can barely see Angela over Scott’s giant teammates. Guests are dotted throughout the room, sipping drinks and chatting.
The redhead speaks, her thick accent contradicting her edgy look. “We didn’t mean to worry you, hun. This party is just great. Angela said she met you at her friend’s baby shower at Sunshine Cellars.”
I straighten up and smile. Maybe they’re potential clients? Wedding rings already glint on their left hands, but maybe they have a different kind of event in mind. “Yes, that’s right. I have a contact form on my website if you’re looking to book me for a party or event.”
The brunette laughs, a lilting, feminine laugh that would make anyone feel inadequate, before speaking. “This is going to sound a little crazy, but did you happen to meet the guy who works there? And his kid?” When I don’t answer, too confused to form a complete sentence, she hurries on. “I’m June. I’m pretty sure you’re the Maggie my daughter Olive has been talking about nonstop for the last few weeks.”
Bits of information drop into place as June finishes. The southern accent. “And you must be Shelby who makes amazing biscuits.” I drop my finger as soon as I realize I’m pointing, and suck in a breath. A stray bit of canape gets caught in my throat again, setting off another round of coughing. Shelby hurries off toward the bar as I try to control the situation.
I’m coughing and coughing, my already irritated throat giving up in the face of a new onslaught. My eyes water so much I can’t see a thing, my lungs simultaneously screaming for oxygen and trying to kill me. I’m doubled over when I manage to get enough air into me to give a deep, lung-clearing cough. Which results in the familiar, slimy sensation of a blood clot sliding into my underwear. Well, fuck.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I swear, I wasn’t trying to kill you.” June fusses over me as I suck in air. A server stops to eye me, but I shake my head and wave her on. My mind is whirling—relieved, sad, and overwhelmed all at once.
“It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting it.” Coughing once again under control, I put on my best smile and shake June’s hand. I need to make this quick so I can get to the bathroom. Maybe cry for a second before I start wrapping up this party. “Hi. Yes, I’m Maggie. Olive is an absolute sweetheart. I had so much fun hanging out with her. Well, apart from the fractured metatarsal and split head. Not that it was her fault,” I add when June winces.
“She has not stopped talking about how much fun you were. And the lean-to falling on you, and Kel carrying you like a princess up the hill to his house.” Shelby arrives with a glass of water, which I take. “She, uh, also told us about how you spent the night?”
Thank god I wasn’t in the middle of taking a sip. I swear to god, these women are going to kill me before the night is over. My cheeks go hot and I take a moment to hide behind the glass in my hand before I answer. “Right. Yes. Nothing happened while Olive was there, to be clear.” I shift on my feet, the wet sensation in my pants growing increasingly uncomfortable.
June laughs. “Oh, I’m sure. I know Kel well. I have no doubt he was a complete gentleman. Probably to an annoying degree.”
I didn’t think my cheeks could get any hotter, but I was wrong. “It was fine. Did he…did he say something?”
June looks at Shelby and laughs. “Kel doesn’t volunteer personal information. It has to be dragged out of him under threat of pain. No, I pieced it together from Olive’s stories and something I overheard Nate saying at the hospital.”
I can’t help scowling at the mention of Nate. “Yeah. He was an unfortunate interruption the other day.”
June laughs. “Everything Nate does is unfortunate.”
“How long have you known him?” I need to go to the bathroom, but I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to learn more about the infamous Nathaniel.
June rolls her eyes. “Too long. If you want my advice, ignore ninety-nine percent of what Nate says. And, I know you didn’t ask, but if you want to be with Kel—you’ll have to fight to become a priority in his life. But once you’re in, you’re in forever.”
That sounds about right, with everything else I’ve learned about him. Although, knowing what he’s told me about June, her giving me advice on how to date Kel is a bit of a joke. “In your case, I guess that only worked one way.” I slap my hand over my mouth as June and Shelby share a look. “Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I just said that. I’m sorry, that was rude—”
June and Shelby cut me off with belly laughs so loud we start attracting the attention of other guests. My eyes dart over the crowd, smiling awkwardly when I make eye contact with an older couple. June and Shelby are holding each other up as they laugh, June wiping tears from her eyes as she tries to catch her breath.
“Oh my god,” June finally gets out. “You must keep him on his toes.”
“I’m so sorry, that was so rude of me—”
Shelby cuts me off. “Bless your heart, if that wasn’t the best thing I’ve heard all night.” She looks around at the room. The art deco decor of the hotel ballroom is washed in warm light, the music is on point and everyone is having a good time. “If you can keep all this,” she waves around the room, “in line, I have faith that you can manage Kel and his need to order everyone around.”
At Shelby’s words, all my embarrassment turns to anger on Kel’s behalf. That’s how they see him? That he tells everyone what to do because he’s controlling? Are they blind?
I twist my mouth. “I don’t think Kel needs managing. I think he needs someone to help him bear up under all the responsibility he’s given himself.”
“Oh, you’re going to be so good for him.” June wipes beneath her eyes. “I’m sorry things got a little…awkward. But I wanted to introduce myself since my daughter is more than slightly obsessed with you. And it seems like my ex may be as well.”
“It was nice to meet you. Hopefully the next time won’t be when I’m working.” My tone is a little stiff, which I’m hoping comes across as more professional than uncomfortable talking so candidly to my brand new boyfriend’s baby mama. I take a step to the side, hoping to escape to the restroom, but June stops me with a hand on my arm.
“I hope so, too. I’d really like to get to know you better.” June’s eyes are sincere as she speaks, and I can’t help a small smile.
“You seem like a real peach, darlin’. It was a pleasure.” Shelby adds, her southern drawl making the words melt like butter. “And this party is great, congrats.”