Page 59 of Pinot Promises
“What do you want to do instead?”
I grunt. After five years of no one asking my opinion on anything, now I’ve had two people ask me on the same day. It must be a sign from the universe that it’s time for me to take the next step.
“I haven’t figured that out yet, but I think it’s time for me to seriously think about it. Please don’t say anything to Sutton or your dad yet. I’ll tell them when I’m ready.”
Nate sticks his hand out to shake but I don’t take it. Instead, I step back to angle myself so he has a view of my girls. “We’re cool, but you owe both Maggie and Olive an apology. And I don’t think they’re going to be as forgiving as I am.”
Turning completely, I wave the girls over. Maggie takes a step toward me, but Olive hangs back, tugging Maggie’s hand and shaking her head. Maggie squats down to talk to her, but we’re too far away to hear her words. Olive’s body language is crystal clear—she wants nothing to do with coming over here.
“I really screwed things up with Olive, didn’t I?” There’s a sadness in Nate’s voice I wasn’t expecting. I look up and he’s watching the scene play out, his blue eyes cloudy.
“Well, yeah. She was so little when you left, she barely remembers you. All she really knows is that her Grandma Jackie gets sad anytime someone talks about you. Now she’s seen you growling and stomping all over her vineyard and punching her dad. Not a great first impression.” Olive pulls away from Maggie again as we watch. I’m tempted to go help, but want to give Maggie the chance to try first.
“Maggie seems really great with her.”
“Maggie’s great at a lot of things. Which you’d know if you bothered to talk to her.”
Nate blows out a breath. “I suppose it was wishful thinking that anyone would be willing to forgive me after being such an ass when I got here.”
I chuckle at that, surprising us both. “You’re not wrong. Maggie may seem innocent and a little flaky, but she doesn’t let people walk all over her.” Maggie gets back to her feet, taking Olive’s hand. A smile tugs at my lips at the sight. “I think you’re going to have to work hard to earn her forgiveness. Right now, I might be the only person willing to talk to you.”
Nate doesn’t respond and I glance his way. He’s watching me watch Maggie, a thoughtful expression on his face. “You love her, don’t you?”
“What? It’s only been—”
Nate cuts me off with a shake of his head. “You are head over heels in love with her. I guess I better be on my best behavior.”
“Do you even know how?” Maggie chimes in as she stops beside me. Olive pauses just behind her, out of Nate’s reach. “Everything okay?”
I indicate to Nate. “Go ahead.”
Nate twists his face for a moment, then clears his throat. “I owe both of you ladies an apology. My attitude toward you, Maggie, since I came home has been uncalled for, and I apologize for my behavior. I still consider Kel my best friend in the world, and if you’re the woman he loves, then I better get on board and get to know you properly.”
Maggie’s mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out.
“You are in no way obligated to forgive him until he proves his sincerity,” I add, while she gathers her thoughts. “That goes for you too, Pickle.” I lean back to make eye contact with Olive, who’s looking at each of us in turn, like a strange game of tennis.
Maggie finally seems to find words, clearing her throat before she speaks. “Well. I appreciate and accept your apology, Nate. But—” She points an accusing finger at his chest. “Don’t start thinking everything is fine now. We’re a long way from it. I will be civil because I love Kel and you’re his best friend, but we’re not friends.”
“I can’t argue with that.” Nate nods once before getting down on one knee. “Olive? I’m very sorry for fighting with your dad.”
She looks up at me before frowning at Nate. “Fighting is bad. You’re supposed to use your words to solve problems.”
Maggie drops a hand on Olive’s head. “You’re right, Olive. Using words is always better than our fists. Tell Nate what you told me.”
“Do I have to?” Olive looks up at Maggie, and my heart explodes in my chest at the trust in her expression. Nate’s right, I do love her. And seeing how much my daughter already loves her only makes me love Maggie more.
“No. You don’t have to. But if you don’t, every time you see Nate you’re going to have those words stuck in your head. He can’t apologize or make it right if you don’t tell him what bothered you.” Maggie leans down to whisper in Olive’s ear. Whatever it is stiffens Olive’s spine and she takes a step forward.
“You scared me. When you were fighting with Daddy. It was really scary and that…and that makes me scared of you.” Her words start out strong but get softer as she speaks, breaking my heart. She said something similar to me when I got home yesterday.
I’d apologized to her already, but it hadn’t occurred to me she would want the same apology from Nate. But I’m grateful she told Maggie.
Eyes wide at her words, Nate swallows hard. “I bet it was scary… I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I’m very sorry for scaring you like that. Would it help if I promised not to fight your dad again?”
With a solemn nod, Olive steps back, this time moving to stand between me and Maggie, holding both our hands. I run my free hand through my hair before I speak. “We appreciate you coming to apologize. I won’t say everything is forgotten, but I think we can move forward from here. How about we talk about who’s doing what tomorrow morning? Right now I’ve got two girls who I promised to have a movie night with.”
At the reminder, Olive takes off for the house, shouting that she’s going to get popcorn and Encanto ready for us.