Page 118 of Magically Wild
Unlike our magic, demon magic couldn’t be fueled by the elements alone. It required blood. Kinsley sliced her hand with a small dagger and held her bleeding palm over the potion as she began the incantation. Although I was thirty yards away, I could feel the magic pulsing in the air as she powered the spell.
I read the hunger on the two vampires’ faces as they scented her blood. Eli might have enough willpower to resist, but the vamp standing next to him must be young because he lunged toward the witch. Startled, she fumbled the dagger and took a step back.
Eli grabbed the other vamp and shoved him back into the house before soothing Kinsley. She retrieved the dagger from where it fell and resumed her incantation even though her hands trembled.
Damnit. She was minutes from completing it, and there was still no sign of Grif. I texted Aleksei with an update and a request to take Eli down myself.
Unlike Grif, Aleksei’s response was immediate. Stand down.
And if Grif doesn’t get here in time? I held my breath, hoping he’d be reasonable.
There was a slight pause. I shifted my weight to the balls of my feet, ready to launch into action the minute I had the green light.
You’ve got eyes on him?
I do.
Record it. Once we have the evidence, Grif can take him out after the fact.
Fire raced through my blood, heating my fingertips until my phone warmed in my hand. I concentrated on my breathing until I had it under control again. I can stop this before he drains someone else. I had zero doubts about how this was going to play out. I’d stood by once and watched Eli steal the life from a scared old man who had been unfortunate enough to serve as a test subject. I couldn’t do it again. Please. Make an exception.
I can’t do that. You’re too close to this. Get the footage, Liv, and then get out. Under no circumstances are you to be the aggressor. Repeat it, so it’s clear you understand.
I will not be the aggressor.
Aleksei didn’t respond. Before putting my phone away, I snapped a few photos, knowing they’d come out as vague blobs in the darkness. There wasn’t enough light out here for photographic evidence. Had I known how tonight was going to go down, I would have brought better spy equipment. Without Grif here to bear witness, all we’d have is some grainy photos and audio recordings. Would it be enough, or would this drag out until Eli killed again and again? No one would take my word as gospel. I had too much of a personal stake in the outcome to be considered objective.
Kinsley finished her incantation and quickly bandaged her palm. Then, she handed the potion over to Eli and turned to follow him inside.
Chapter Six
Grif wasn’t coming. And Eli wouldn’t stop. I stared at the pile of supplies at my feet. If I couldn’t go after that bloodsucker, I’d get him to come after me.
Now that I was alone in the yard, I got to work. I opened the gas can and poured a steady stream as I circled the farmhouse. If I needed to stall, this would be a good way to keep the vampires contained. Lucky for me, fire was always at my fingertips. After stuffing my remaining supplies next to the house, I retreated to the sunflower field, gathering a handful of rocks as I went. I stopped at the edge of the field where I’d be visible. I grabbed the spare surveillance bug and set it to record before sliding it into my pocket.
Thanks to endless hours of practice throwing knives and fireballs, my aim was dead on. The first rock hit the middle of the door, the second right behind it. I didn’t have a chance to lob the third because the young vamp jerked the door open and stared straight at me. I gave him a little finger wave, keeping my mouth shut. Aleksei knew me well enough that he’d realize I instigated this confrontation, but as long as the bad guys made the first move, I’d be in the clear.
The vamp wasn’t one I knew, but then, Eli was always recruiting. I twisted my t-shirt in my hands like I was nervous and widened my eyes. Between my youth and small stature, it wasn’t difficult to look like prey.
“You.” He pointed at me. “Don’t move.” He put a heavy dose of compulsion behind the command.
I froze. Shadows were trained to resist vampire compulsion, but this guy didn’t know that his mind control wouldn’t work on me. He poked his head back inside and called for Eli. Remaining still was a challenge for me at the best of times, even without the flood of adrenaline in my system. Now? Torture. I fought the urge to scratch my nose as we waited.
When he stepped outside, Eli’s eyes flared wide as he recognized me. I forced myself to stand still as his gaze traveled the length of my body.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t little Olivia Monroe, all grown up. Martin said you were back.” He stalked closer. “Looks like the Enclave didn’t have the heart to put my sweet girl down.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from hurling insults back.
Eli crooked a finger at me and motioned me toward him. “Come. Let me get a good look at you.”
My steps were even as I crossed the yard to where he stood. As soon as I was within arm’s reach, he curled a hand around my throat and yanked me closer. “What are you doing here, Olivia?” He lifted me until I balanced precariously on my toes.
I didn’t have to fake my shock. Even though I knew he was capable of violence, this was the first time he’d demonstrated it on me. I swallowed against the fingers that spanned my neck. If I were too forthcoming, Eli would suspect a trap. “I came home for a visit,” I said.
He narrowed his eyes and squeezed my throat until my hands clutched his, and I gasped for air. “Let’s try this again. Why are you here?”
“I saw Kinsley at the library,” I choked out.