Page 154 of Magically Wild
Chapter Twelve
When he blinked away the dirt-caused tears from his eyes and looked around, forest rather than an arena surrounded him.
“Archibald?!” Frankie’s voice rang through the forest, and he scrambled to his feet.
He dashed towards the voice. As soon as she was in view, she crouched in front of him, and he jumped into her arms.
Frankie buried her face in his fur and held him close. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I thought you were gone.”
“I had to turn myself in. I lied to you. I broke rules.” His voice was muffled against her sweatshirt, but he didn’t care.
“Pixie explained everything to me.” She raised her head and stared him in the eye. “You shouldn’t have lied to me, but I’m glad you did what you did. I’d rather have you by my side than any other cat in the universe.” She rose to her feet in a single, graceful motion, and walked down the road toward the house he knew was around the bend.
“I’m taking you home,” she said. “And you are going to stay by my side for a good, long while.”
Archibald closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into her arms. “Yes. Let’s go home.”
Want to Read more about Archibald and Frankie’s Adventures?
See where it began in Choosing the Slain.
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About Amy Cissell
Amy Cissell is a USA Today Bestselling Author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels. She lives in Portland, OR with her husband, her haunted house-obsessed daughter, their two cats, and the murder of crows she's conspiring to turn into her vengeful army.
Although she reads anything and everything, her first love has always been fantasy. Eleven-year-old Amy discovered fantasy when she 'borrowed' her father's copy of The Hobbit and an enduring love affair (mostly with dragons) was born.
There are few things Amy loves more than a well-timed pun, a good book, a glass of wine, and traveling to fill her creative well and tame her wanderlust until she moves to Portugal.
Keys of Promise
BY Georgiana Kent
Keys of Promise by Georgiana Kent
When the fate of multiple people collide, time starts to get
Chapter One
The dog walker turned off The Mall and headed into Green Park. Keeping to the dimly lit pathways that criss-crossed through the park, he headed north towards the bustling high street of Piccadilly, expelling plumes of warm air with each exhale. His Dobermann trotted happily by his side, so well-trained it needed no lead. And if it wandered to inspect new smells, it soon returned, never straying too far from its companion.
Looking up as the lights of Piccadilly brightened the horizon, Amberson Solway smiled over the bright chatter of tourists breaking the usual monotony of the city. Whilst his hometown of New York held bucketfuls of charisma, there was a charm to London he hadn’t found anywhere else. He always enjoyed his time in The Old Smoke – how the British often referred to London. Though its pace was far more sedate than that of New York, there was a buzz in the air that was intoxicating.
He was African. Tall and burly, with close-cropped hair and muscles suggesting he knew how to look after himself. But that didn't stop his keen eyes from sweeping his surroundings more carefully than most. Besides his practical clothing and boots, he wore a well-stocked utility belt around his waist.
His Dobermann picked up on a scent and wandered off the path, sniffing around the shadows of a nearby oak. The hackles on the back of her neck suddenly rose, and she bared her teeth, growling deeply.
“Lily? What's the matter, girl?”
Her whines turned to yips of excitement as he hastened closer.
The shadows appeared to wobble, and before he could react, a hand flew from their depths, catching his wrist in a steely grip even he couldn’t fight.