Page 158 of Magically Wild
She glanced feverishly over at the spirit, her fingers twitching by her side.
“You forgot!”
Still none the wiser, Erica launched herself for the spirit just as Gertrude let go of her hold on the items. They came crashing down, the sound booming out over the shop floor. Shielding her head as they landed around her, Erica nursed her crown. “What’s got into you?! You’ll give me away!”
“Erica?!” Joslin’s voice floated over the shelves to her. “Are you okay? Brr! Why’s it so cold over here? Is the AC on the blink?”
Cursing, Erica turned furious eyes on the spirit.
Gertrude’s look of anger crumpled to misery as she disappeared through the shelves, her wails echoing after her. “You forgot my deathday!”
Erica blanched in realisation, guilt hitting her hard as the icy air dissipated.
Joslin rounded the corner to find Erica surrounded by books, her hands still poised over her head. She whistled.
“What happened?” she asked, gazing up at the now empty shelf.
Erica dusted herself down. “I don’t know. They all just fell off.”
Joslin lifted a sceptical brow at the shelf. “They just ‘fell off’?”
Trying to stop her eyes from shifting guiltily away, Erica feigned shock. “I know, right? How odd is that? I’ll tidy it up, don’t worry.”
“If you're sure,” Joslin said, passing Erica a book.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thanks.”
Erica continued to collect the books as Joslin turned and left. Counting to ten in her head, she slumped against the bookcase, leaning her head back. Dammit! How could I have forgotten?! No wonder Gertrude was pissed!
Inspiration struck. She checked her watch; there was only an hour until her shift ended. She quickly returned the books to their shelf.
“Hey, Joslin,” she called, walking round to the till carrying the stepladders. “Do you want anything from the café? My treat.”
Joslin looked up with a smile. “Aw, thanks. I could do with a drink.”
“Mocha?” Erica asked, stowing the stepladders safely away.
“Yes, please.”
“Marc, do you want anything from the café?” she asked, walking through to his department.
He poked his head around the bookcase closest to her, making her jump. She flicked him playfully, and he laughed.
“Sure. Want me to get them?”
“No, no, my treat.”
“Oh, okay. Thanks. I’ll have a latte, please.”
With a wave, she descended the main staircase to the café located in the basement. A grin of determination settled on her lips.
She was going to make it up to Gertrude.
And she had an idea how.
Chapter Four