Page 162 of Magically Wild
Worrying his lip, he deliberated what to do. He didn’t want to risk disturbing the timeline, but the desire to see her again was too great. There was something alluring about her innocence to what was to come.
Five minutes later, he was about to give in when she stepped out of the shop’s doors once more. She pulled on a woolly hat against the evening chill.
A smile curled his lips on seeing its colour. Purple, of course.
Excitement tingled through him.
Amberson won’t mind if I’m a little late!
She set off, and he followed in a daze, not quite believing she was there.
The sudden urge to approach her overwhelmed him. But he didn’t want to mess up Time. He knew from Jade about just how delicate SpaceTime could be. And he knew better than to go against Future Erica’s instructions. She hadn't failed him these past five hundred years.
He hesitated.
He really ought to find Amberson, but he couldn't resist her despite knowing he couldn’t—shouldn’t—interfere.
Desire getting the better of him, he followed her toward Piccadilly Circus and the Underground Station there. He ummed and ahhed over whether to take to his shadows—it would be quicker—but he didn’t want to watch from their dark depths. He wanted to enjoy every second of her in the here and now. Especially if it could be months until he next saw her again.
Descending the steps after her, he bought himself a ticket and pushed through the barriers, all the while keeping one eye on her. She was completely oblivious to him trailing her. Hopping on the escalator after her, it took every ounce of willpower not to strike up a conversation with her.
Once on the platform, it quickly filled up with people. Slipping in and out of the crowds, Nathaniel drew near to Erica, unable to take his eyes off her. She was exactly as he remembered. From the stubborn tilt of her chin to the silky gleam of her black locks. She was everything he’d fallen in love with and more.
Ears detecting the rumblings of an approaching train, he looked up. Seconds later, the train thundered from the tunnel, rattling as it came to a screeching halt. Climbing onto the same carriage as Erica, he stood nonchalantly nearby, his hand gripping the safety pole as the train clattered forward.
The train sped away, and Nathaniel smiled when Erica retrieved a book from her bag—reading for a history assignment, no doubt. Passengers came and went with each stop. When the train lurched randomly to one side, he snarled when a young man caught her as she stumbled, having lost her footing. Anger roared through him at the sight of the other man’s hands on her. Barely controlling himself, Nathaniel flashed the man a predatory look that made him step away.
The rest of the journey passed without further incident. Coming to a halt, Nathaniel followed her out of the carriage and onto her platform. She ascended the steps to the arcade above, and Nathaniel was just garnering his courage to talk to her when he saw her falter, her steps freezing mid-stride.
What had she seen?
Interest piqued, he followed her to see a smartly dressed man standing to one side of the arcade, one eye on the frieze that decorated the circular space and the other wistfully eyeing the passersby.
Recognition flashed.
Michael Nicholas.
???! I forgot about the stuck-up Time travelling KeyMaster!
Eyes flashing, a guttural hiss escaped the back of his throat, and he sidestepped into the shadows, welcoming their dark solitude.
He had no wish to see the two get friendly.
Chapter Eight
He was the most handsome man she’d ever seen, from his ochre skin and chiselled jaw to his full lips and stunning aquamarine eyes. He was truly breathtaking. Not that anyone else had seemed to notice. All the other pedestrians either walked past him or artfully avoided him as if repelled by some unseen force.
The man’s attention was on the carved frieze that decorated the arcade and the date there. Then, as if sensing her, his gaze shifted, blue eyes colliding with her green. A look of surprise washed over his fine features, causing an unexplainable thrill of anticipation to run down her spine. As if the hand of Fate herself had caressed her.
Dammit, Erica, get a grip on yourself! She scolded, shaking herself. Don’t be ridiculous! As if any of that existed.
But that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the view while it lasted.
Biting her lip as she passed, she allowed herself to slow and take in every inch of him. Good God, he’s divine!
With no move made, she suppressed a sigh.