Page 24 of Cooper
“She is in theexamination room. I am trying to find a solution. She lives alone andcannot afford the help.”
“Where does herdaughter live?”
“With herhusband and two children in a small apartment downtown. They are notwealthy, and the space is tight, but she needs someone to care forher.”
“How big is Mrs. Crosby’s place?”
“Two bedrooms,and it is run down.” She rubbed a hand at the back of her neck,and he had the insane urge to take the tension away.
“Wouldn’tMedicaid pay for her to have someone come in to prepare her meals anddo the housework?”
“We are workingon it. In the meantime, she is not budging and is a fall risk atbest.”
She jumped when heplaced a hand on her arm.
“What are youdoing?”
“From yourviolent reaction, it looks as if I am violating you,” heremarked dryly.
“I don’tlike people touching me.” She muttered.
“Good to know.”Removing his hand, he jammed it into his pocket and stepped back. “Iknow someone who could pop in and give her some assistance whenneeded. There are also meals for the elderly that arepre-prepared.”
“She hatesmicrowave meals.”
“So do I. Thesemeals are freshly prepared and ready to eat. Let me make some callswhile you see her.”
She watched as hewalked out, a frown crossing her brow. She did not want to bebeholden to him or start liking him. She had no idea what he wasdoing here. No doubt, this was something to alleviate his boredom andto make him feel good about himself.
But she had to admitthat he was an excellent doctor and was good with the patients, sogood that they did not miss Dr. Graham. He had called to apologizethis morning and hoped she was satisfied with his replacement.
“It’sbeen a pleasure working with you, my dear, and I am sure Coop will doan excellent job.”
“I am sorry tohear about your Mom.”
“She is ninetyyears old and still solid. I just want to spend as much time aspossible with her.”
“And youshould. I wish you all the best.”
She picked up thefolder and left the office, taking the coffee.
“My tummyhurts.”
“And we arehere to see why that is.”
Brooke stood justinside the doorway, watching him interact with the child while themother looked with a bemused look on her plain face.
“Why do I feelit is because you have been eating too many candies?”
The child smiled athim, revealing two missing front teeth. “Betty Sue gave them tome and said I had to eat them all.”
“How many arewe talking about?” Cooper asked as he examined her eyes andears.
“A lot.”
“That will doit.”