Page 37 of Cooper
“I have togo.”
“Yes. Butfirst-” Hauling her up against him, he crushed her mouth withhis. Brooke thought about resisting, but the sweet, heady sensationtumbled through her body and had her clinging to him.
Her nipples wereaching from the earlier onslaught and had become even worse. Shewanted him so much that she could not stand it. Stifling her moan ofdisappointment when he pushed her away, she shoved her hands into thepockets of her scrubs.
“I will walkyou out,” he said quietly, amber eyes searching her face.
Without a word, sheturned on her heels and grabbed her things from the office. He wasstanding at the door when she came back out. They both went to theparking lot in silence. He waited until she backed out before gettingin the vehicle.
She watched himthrough her rearview mirror until he peeled off at the intersectionand went on his way. Clamping her fingers tight on the steeringwheel, she called for some soothing R&B classics to get her mindoff what had just happened at the clinic.
The man had a waywith words, she thought sardonically. If he had not already gotteninto her panties, she would have figured that was what he was tryingto accomplish.
But he was apparentlyafter something else. What it was, she had no idea. It was not likeshe had anything to offer a man worth billions. He had it all. Andshe had refused his offer.
Love! She scoffed.What the hell did he know about that? Men like him could never betrusted. Her father had been a perfect example of that. He had usedhis looks and his station in life to seduce as many women as hecould. And it had not mattered one damn that he was married withchildren.
He was supposed to bean example to his daughter, who had adored him so much and thought hecould do no wrong. Stopping at the light, she wiped the tears thathad drifted down her cheeks angrily and cursed the day Dr. CooperRochester had come to the clinic.
His sexualfrustration followed him to his apartment. What the hell was hethinking? He had been dying to sink himself deep inside her since themorning he left her place, and now he was going to his lonelyapartment and would have to endure another sleepless night.
Hissing out a breath,he turned into the parking lot and almost turned back out again whenhe saw who was waiting for him there.
Bringing the vehicleto a stop in the designated area, he alighted slowly, stopping justas the woman approached him.
“Wendy, I didnot expect you.”
“I wanted toapologize for my behavior.”
“How long haveyou been waiting?” He had no intention of inviting her to hisapartment, but the idea of standing here in the lot did not appeal tohim, and the wind had picked up speed, the spring night turning outto be more than a bit cold. Gesturing toward the gazebo, he led theway to the padded bench and sat down.
“I had a lateshift and decided to come instead of calling.” She sat next tohim, eyes shimmering with tears. “I blew it, didn’t I?”
Cooper sighed wearilyand figured he could not blame her for trying. Here he was, achingfor a woman who was determined not to give him the time of day, andhe was with one who wanted to be with him. Go figure.
“No, youdidn’t.”
“I misbehaved,”She told him ruefully. “And please do not try to justify mybehavior. I called you names and behaved like a child.”
“You expectedmore from the relationship.”
“Is there anychance-”
“No,” hetold her firmly. “There is none.”
Turning away fromhim, she looked at the stream with the moon's reflection clearlyoutlined. The flowers growing in abundance next to the gazebopermeated the air and usually made sitting out here a pleasantexperience.
“It’sher, isn’t it?”
Turning to face him,she gave him a slight smile. “I am a woman, darling; we alwayssense these things. I knew something was happening when I saw youwith her at the party. That’s why I asked around and caught hername. Dr. Brooke Campbell. She runs the clinic downtown, in thatrough area in the projects. What does she have that I lack?”
“Don’t dothat.”
“Then whatshould I think?” She cried softly. “I am here, offeringmyself to you, and you are saying that’s not enough. Where isshe? This doctor of yours. Is she willing to be in a relationshipwith you? That night at the function, she just walked away-”