Page 4 of Cooper
“Yourreluctance to talk about the past makes it difficult for you to lookto the future.”
Turning her head, shelifted tapered brows at him. “Where did you get that half-bakedphilosophy from? A fortune cookie?”
“My therapist.”He gave her a faint smile. “You could benefit from somesessions.”
“I triedalready, and it did not work. He was a piece of work and not fit tobe a father.”
“He wasweak, but that does not mean he did not love us. You have a highmoral ground, darling, and God forbid anyone who does not meet yourexacting standard.”
“What do youmean?” She asked, glaring at him. “The man was chasingafter every piece of skirt in a three-mile radius. He was cheating onher, and she knew and did nothing but smile graciously and pretendthat everything was okay, that we were this perfect family.”
“And whatexactly did you expect her to do?”
“Leave hislying, cheating ass.” Her eyes flashed at the memories. “Kickhim out of the house, anything, but sit there and take it, which waswhat she did.” Closing her eyes, she willed the anger away.
“But that washer deal. At least, I have learned from both of them. DerrickCampbell was too attractive for his good and knew it - he used it tohis advantage. That’s why I choose the men I go out with.”
“When wasthe last time you were out on a date?” Her brother asked herdryly.
“Why, darling,are you trying to find out when I last got laid?”
“I would notput it so delicately, but that’s the question.”
“I do believeit was sometime last year. The sex was lousy, and the guy was tooclingy. I got rid of him before he became a problem. I don’tneed a guy to validate who I am as a woman. My hands are full withthe clinic and trying to raise money for the homeless. I am not in arelationship right now, and that’s fine with me.”
“That’sthe problem; you never really needed anyone.”
“I don’tsee why it’s a problem.” She argued.
A smile crossed hislips as he stared at her. Brooke Campbell was stunning; her highcheekbones, small nose, and determined chin were delightful. She wasfire and passion, and it showed in her eyes. She could not bear tosee anything suffer and had been that way since she was a littlegirl. She was petite, barely passing five feet.
Her complexionwas flawless, and even though she did not bother to wear makeup, shedid not need it. She was down to earth yet uncompromising. She mightbe diminutive but made up for it in grit and strength.
“One of thesedays, you will meet someone who will make you forget that you do notneed anyone.”
“I need you.”Leaning over, she kissed him on the cheek. “Now, as pleasant asthis has been, I must run.”
“I have laundryto do and cannot put it off any longer. I am running out ofunderwear.”
“Hire amaid.”
“I earn next tonothing at the clinic.” She reminded him.
“And you have atrust fund gathering dust in the bank, not to mention stocks andbonds.”
“Oh, didn’tI tell you?” She grinned as she hauled him off the hammock. “Iused some money to purchase a few things for the clinic. There is aplayroom for the tender-aged children to gather and be taken care ofwhen their mothers are being seen.”
“You can usethe money to equip the clinic, but you still insist on earning aliving when it comes to yourself.” Shaking his head, he tookher and guided her to the car.
“I am not like you, Dwayne;I have never seen the need to drive a fancy car or wear a differentdesigner dress daily.”
“Nothing iswrong with spending the money we have.”
“I did not workfor it, so yes, there is a problem.”
“You are beingstubborn and unrealistic.”