Page 59 of Cooper
She had to clear herthroat several times before she could respond. The man had the mostprofound effect on her senses. “You are trying to distractme.”
“And it’snot working.” Pressing his lips on her forehead, he tried tothink of a way to bring the topic up. “How about we go into theliving room? Hungry?”
“A little.”She preceded him into the small room. She had knocked off early todayand had to admit that she had been looking forward to seeing him. Hewas becoming so important to her that she could not stop thinkingabout him. It was frustrating.
“I orderedtakeout on my way here.” He sat across from her, taking thesmall red sofa instead of sitting next to her.
“Okay. What’sgoing on?”
“You knew Iwas seeing someone when we met.”
Rubbing his palms onhis thighs, he took a deep breath. “I saw her today.”
“At thehospital, my hospital. I mean-”
“I know whatyou mean. Why is that important?”
“She is upset.I thought she had moved on-”
“But shehasn’t.”
“No. She hassigned up to volunteer at the clinic.”
“I see.”
“You do?”He shook his head. “I mean, I think she wants to createproblems.”
“By doingwhat exactly?”
He thought she wasmuch too calm, heart pounding inside his chest. Or she did not carethat his ex planned to be at the clinic. “I don’t know.She said something like she wanted to find out what she lacked andwhat you have that made me-” His voice tailed off.
“I think that’sthe meal,” she said casually when the doorbell rang.
Chapter 13
He stared at her fora few seconds before rising. “I will get it.”
“I will be inthe kitchen.” She watched him walk to the front door beforeentering the kitchen to get the wine out of the cooler. She stared atthe flowers in the sink when he came in with the food.
“I am going totake them to the clinic. They will serve to brighten the place.”Turning away, she took plates from the cupboard. “What are wehaving?”
“A variety. Idid not know what your tastes lean to.” He was aware that theywere avoiding the topic he had been discussing.
“Let’ssee what you came up with.”
With a nod, he tookout the cartons and handed them over. “Beef, pork, and shrimp.Enough to take for lunch tomorrow. You went all out.”
“I did.”
He waited until theyhad the food on the plates and the wine poured before he broached thetopic.
“You have notsaid anything.”
“About yourgirlfriend.” Brooke dug into the meal with gusto, not surprisedto realize she was starving.