Page 67 of Cooper
“You areintruding.”
Kelly jumped slightlyat the deep voice in her ear. She had been so intent on staring atthe couple in the private booth that she had not heard him comingbehind her. But then again, her husband moved like a graceful cat.
“I am watchingfor any discontent among our paying clients.” She retorted. Hishands came around to rub up and down her arms. With a purring sigh,she leaned back against his solid frame and felt the overpoweringlove for him wash over her.
They had been marriedfor several years and were parents of two adorable children, andstill, the fire between them had not been doused. He could turn heron with just a look from his dark, enigmatic eyes.
“If you sayso.” His lips teased her left ear, sending shivers along herspine.
“What do youthink of her?”
“I cannotthink about anything when you are in my arms.”
“Focus,darling. I have heard good things about her and that clinic. Leesaand I were thinking of paying a visit.”
Sighing at therealization that he would not be allowed to continue his seduction,Kane looked at the couple, who were utterly wrapped up in each other.“Cooper looks happy.”
“And so doesshe,” Kelly murmured. “I had to stop myself from askingabout the wedding.”
“I am so proudof you.” He told her dryly.
Turning her head, shesmiled at him with an intimacy that fired his blood. “I willignore the sarcasm by telling you that I love you to distraction.”
His eyes darkened,and the urge to have her was so intense that he knew he would suggestthey retire to his office.
“I love youmore. Now, how about we do some paperwork in my office?”
“Is that aeuphemism for taking off my clothes and having your way with me?”
“Then I am allin.”
“Is this goingto be a regular practice of yours?” Brooke was fighting to gether breathing under control.
“You are goingto have to be more precise.” He was still panting, his skincoated with sweat.
“You tore thedress, ripped it right off me like it was a piece of napkin.”
“I wasimpatient. And it’s entirely your fault.”
Rolling to herside, she propped her elbows on his chest as she stared at him. “Howdo you figure?”
“You kepttouching my thigh.” He reminded her.
“You weredriving like a damn madman. I am surprised a traffic cop did not pullus over.”
“I got a peekwhen I bent to pick up the napkin. You did not tell me you were notwearing panties.”
“With thatexcuse of a dress, it was not practical.”
“You did itdeliberately.” He accused her.
“Did whatdeliberately?”