Page 17 of Jasmine's Story
Chapter 10
The giggles coming from Cleo’s room makes me want to just stand here outside the door and listen to my girls get along. I was pissed when I pulled in, seeing a man far too close to my woman, while cops were holding onto Tina. That she was at my house in the first place was enough to have me seething, but watching the footage of her going around, knocking on the doors, peeking in through the window while she had headphones in, drove me to the brink.
I texted Doug my recent ex-housekeeper’s name to have him look into her as well. I fired her Saturday before my date with Jasmine after finding her here when Cleo and I came back from the movies. She had no reason to be in my house on the weekend, and now with Tina showing up here, I need to know if they’re connected or not.
The fact that Jasmine called the man to help me just made me fall even harder for her, and now, there’s no turning back. Jasmine’s mine and I’m keeping her. Cleo loves her as well which simply makes it easier to give into it this fast.
“I think it’s past someone’s bedtime,” I state, moving into Cleo’s room, seeing her tucked in with Jasmine next to her, reading her a story.
“Can we finish, please Uncle Adam?” Cleo begs, giving me big puppy dog eyes and I nod, leaning against the doorjamb just watching them.
“Night sweet girl,” Jasmine whispers to her as she’s almost out, and I drop a kiss of my own to Cleo’s cheek, before tucking her up the rest of the way then turn off the lamp.
I take Jasmine’s hand to guide her from the room and turn back her way when she stops short. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Do you have a nanny cam set up in here?” Jasmine whispers to me and I shake my head no. “How long has that bear been on her shelf,” she adds, nodding her head towards it, speaking so quietly that I can barely hear her.
“I don’t know, a week, maybe two,” I admit giving it another glance.
“Go call Doug, he’ll send one of his guys to come get it,” Jasmine says before taking one of the pillowcases I hadn’t put away yet from the stack sitting on the bench at the end of Cleo’s bed and slips it into it.
I drop a kiss onto her lips, thankful for her, but also curious how she knew about the bear.
“How did you know what it was?” I ask her once I’m back upstairs. Thankfully Doug’s guy was apparently watching the house in case Tina comes back for a car if released so it didn’t take nearly as long as expected.
“I have a ton of nieces and nephews,” she says sliding her arms around my waist as I come over to her, loving that she’s in not just my house, but my room—our room now. “Some of my siblings set them up just so they could check in on things during the day if they were at work. Some of them were set up as nanny cams for when there’s a babysitter that’s not family around. I’ve seen probably ten to twelve different varieties of them over the years. That one isn’t new, it’s an older model that was discontinued because you could easily make out the camera in one of the eyes. If it’s the first model of it, it only records to a SD card as well.”
“I don’t know if I’m hoping that’s why that woman was here today or not, either way it’s massively disturbing,” I state, just holding her to calm down. I don’t want this between us when I make her mine, claim her body with mine.
“I know,” Jasmine says, letting me hold her for long, quiet moments.
I curse when my phone rings, but the name on the screen has me answering it on speakerphone. “Doug, what is it?”
“Just wanted to let you know, my tech guy was close, so he stopped and got the bear from Dean. It’s the old model that’s a closed circuit, you can only see what it recorded with the SD card. We’ve got her and your ex-housekeeper with placing an illegal surveillance camera in a child’s room. We’re going to take this to the chief of police and let you know if there’s anything else you need to do or know. Based on the recordings it did, it’s been there about two weeks, and the first part that recorded showed Tina setting it up in what looks like her home, then a car ride to your place before your old housekeeper let her inside. She’s clearly on video placing it in Cleo’s room. It was still recording when Jasmine put it into the pillowcase so there’s no way she could deny it was tampered with or planted there to make her look like the victim. We scanned through the recordings, and it doesn’t look like anything more than Cleo playing and sleeping was recorded on it.”
“Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better,” I tell him, agreeing to have his guy come do a sweep of the house tomorrow just to be safe.
“It’s been a long day, why don’t we go to bed?” Jasmine says after I put my phone up, her eyes warm and hungry, but understanding as well, and it simply makes me want more.
“I couldn’t agree more, baby,” I state, picking her up then carrying her into the bathroom with me. I put her on the vanity and take a long look around the space. Nothing seems out of place, calming me enough to focus all my attention on Jasmine.
My hands lift to her face, giving her a chance to say no or not yet, but she doesn’t. She leans into me, returning my kiss until I’m about to burst.
“You make me want so many things all at once, baby. I want to just take you, claim you as mine right this instance, but I also want to draw this out, enjoy every moment of it too,” I tell her, brushing little kisses over her face.
“Why not both?” she says, nearly blinding me as desire pulses through my veins.
“You shouldn’t be saying that, baby,” I groan as her fingers play with the button of my shirt. “You should be telling me to be nice and gentle with your virgin pussy, to take care of it and you.”
“Or you can just claim it and if it hurts, kiss it better,” she replies, making stars dance in front of my eyes trying to hold back now.
“Careful baby, you’ve no idea what you’re about to unleash,” I warn but her little smile just pushes me over the edge.
I claim her lips with another kiss before working on the buttons of her shirt, stripping it off her as my hands roam over her bare skin. A guttural moan falls when I pull back, seeing everything beneath the baggy blouse she changed into after Doug left is bare. Her sweet breasts are tipped with mauve pebbles and my mouth begs for a taste.
“You okay there big guy?” she asks, her smile beautiful enough but with the flames of desire flickering through her eyes, she’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.