Page 113 of Always Crew
Crap. I had called Cross as soon Derrick left, but only hearing a savage exclamation from him that he was glad I was okay, he hung up and I knew they were heading back right away. They’d been on the road for a full hour by the time I called.
But I hadn’t had time to process the Red Demons trick to get them away either.
“Shit.” From me.
“Yeah.” From Brock.
“It sounds wicked, though.” Hawk was looking at Brock. “Something maybe we could use in the future, if we got our hands on whatever they designed.”
Brock sent her a look saying ‘yeah right.’ And I agreed. “I doubt the Red Demons are going to hand that over.”
I became aware of a body sidling up next to me, then Veronica’s elbow nudged my arm. She said in a hushed voice, openly trying to eye-fuck Brock now, “Um. Introductions? Don’t be rude here.” She winked at me. Twice.
Right. Subtle.
But I did the introductions.
“Hey, there.” Zeke was now sounding like Joey from Friends.
Hawk was eyeing him back, but with disdain. “Don’t. I eat little boys like you for breakfast. I am not the one to hit on.”
“Oh.” He eased back.
Aspen had turned so her back was to Blaise’s chest. His arms were hugging her, locked around the front of her chest and her hands were resting on them. She gave me a small smile, a whole dreamy look in her eyes. “I don’t know what happened before we all got here, but we’re all here and I’m thinking none of us are leaving until we’re all reassured you’re okay. Even though you obviously are. Bear with us and our anxieties here.”
Veronica snorted. “Speak for yourself. I want to know what other hotties are showing up—”
And like clockwork, as if Veronica had summoned them, another screeching sound happened. This time from farther away, so I was guessing they had to park on the street.
We heard the sounds of swift sprinting, but they were quieted.
I was primed. I was ready.
I knew who was coming.
They were coming in from the grass, and I turned around, knowing they weren’t going to come through the driveway’s entrance. And then there they were.
Cross was first. He was always the fastest, and the few who were in the way stepped back. He had a clear path, and then he was in front of me, he was sweeping me up, and he was walking me away from the group. His head was buried in my neck, but he just kept going.
All the way.
I gave up and just wrapped my legs around his waist and I held on.
This boy. This guy. This man. I was going to marry him. I was going to have his babies. I would fight him, with him, and for him forever. He was mine, all mine, and I was going to savor that he came into my life.
His hand pressed against the back of my head and finally he stopped. We were inside the house. How we got there, I had no clue, but we were in total privacy.
“God.” He lifted his head, setting me on the kitchen counter.
My legs remained wrapped around his waist. He didn’t step back, just his head moved so he could see me.
“I was so fucking scared. That call—” he choked off. The terror was still in him. One of his hands pressed to my leg and he closed his eyes, needing a minute to control himself. “I couldn’t even talk to you on the phone. You called, said you were fine—and I wanted to kill someone. The need to rip their heads off, it was just like when you were arrested.”
I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him back in.
“It was the Red Demons.”
His hand went up my back and he grabbed fistfuls of my shirt. His head buried into my neck. “I know.” His voice was muffled. “I want to kill them. I want to—”
“No.” I eased back again, leaning back on the counter.
His head tipped back to see me. I framed his face with my hands, trying to wipe that fear from him if I could’ve. “It’s done. Everything is done. They know I recognized Heckler—” Oh, yeah. I already told Cross, and Zellman, and Jordan, besides Channing. They all knew. The Red Demons didn’t need to know that part. “I promised not to say a word, and promised not to hunt them as a bounty hunter later, but it’s done. It’s done. They’re out of our lives. I think my Dad, too. He told me he wanted everything from me, but he’d ask for nothing. I know what that means. That means he’s gone unless I reach out. It’s over, Cross.”
He searched me, then drew in a shuddering breath. His gaze fell to my mouth and he cupped the side of my face in his. “If they had done something to you—”