Page 29 of Bodyguard Beast
“Sienna!” my mother called.
I turned my gaze towards her and saw all the people waiting for my arrival. There were at least a dozen expressionless men in black suits gathered there too. I looked for Nonna, but when I found her eyes, they were inestimably sad, which surprised me, because I was unhurt. Nothing truly bad had happened. I’d been rescued in the nick of time.
My mother emerged from the midst of the crowd. “Oh baby,” she cried and rushed forward to pull me into her arms. “My baby. My poor baby,” she crooned.
I didn’t want to cry. I had no reason to cry as I was safe and well, but suddenly I felt hot tears begin to burn the backs of my eyes. I tried my best to hold them at bay, but I just couldn’t do it. They poured down my cheeks. I guess it was the release of the pent-up fear and shock.
My mother held desperately onto me, crying into my neck as she stroked my hair and back. “They nearly snatched you away from me. My only child. I love you,” she told me over and over again. “Thank God, you’re safe.”
“I’m sorry I frightened you, Mama. I love you too,” I sobbed.
Nonna came forward then. “Let the child go,” she said quietly.
“I’m sorry, Nonna,” I whispered, wringing my hands.
Her eyes moved quickly, assessing the bruises on my arms. “Don’t be sorry. You did nothing wrong. You didn’t understand how dangerous the outside world is for you. Why your father sent you away for all those years. Why he wants to make sure you are taken care of when he is no longer around.”
The men in black suddenly parted and my father walked through. He stopped a few feet in front of me.
I stared at him through my tears. I had expected a scolding severe enough to make the sky fall, and maybe it would come later, but right now, it was clear he simply felt grateful I had survived the kidnapping. He must have thought he could have lost me forever today because I saw the utter relief in his eyes. He said just one word, “Come.”
And I flew into his arms. He wound his arms tightly around me to rain kisses on my head and face.
I had never ever felt safer, more loved, or protected than at this moment.
Everything was once again right in my world. I forgot about Fabio waiting in the wings to take away my freedom and imprison me in a loveless marriage in exchange for this lovely safety.
Chapter 19
I woke up to the chirping of birds outside my window.
For the longest time, I didn’t want to open my eyes, the events of the previous evening playing and replaying in my mind. The blast of gunshots ringing in the air, the dead bodies on the ground. Mandy as she had been struck by them, and the multiple car accidents.
It all felt like a distant dream, but my body still registered the terror. Multiple places in my body ached, but the raging headache I had gone to sleep with thankfully, had dissipated. With a sigh, I picked up my spare phone from the bedside table and texted Christine. I had called both girls last night to confirm that they were not too shaken, but I didn’t want to call this early in the morning just in case they were still asleep. I sent a text instead.
Are you up?
Her response was to call me back. “Yeah, but Mandy’s still sleeping.”
“Are you sure you are alright?” I asked.
“Stop worrying about us. We’re fine. As a matter of fact, that was the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I’m an adrenaline junkie remember? And that was better than the best rollercoaster ride I’ve taken.”
I shook my head. Nothing about last night had been exciting to me. It was the bars of my prison. I decided not to dwell on those thoughts. “My father has assigned a security detail on you and Mandy. You won’t see them, but they will be around you for a little while, so they can monitor things and keep you safe for the time being.”
“Oh,” she said.
“Don't worry,” I told her quickly. “They won’t intrude in any way. This is just my father taking precautions and I'm telling you, so you both can be at ease.”
“Well, thank your father for me.”
I refrained from mentioning that she wouldn’t need protection if not for her association with me. I ended the call when a knock came on my door.
“Come in,” I called.
My father walked in.
I sat up straighter on the bed. “Good morning, Papa.” I wondered if now was the time when my scolding would come. I felt ready and prepared to accept it all. I completely deserved it.