Page 32 of Bodyguard Beast
She pressed those luscious lips against mine. “Thank you,” she whispered. Then she released me and walked away.
I was staggered. Not only by the way she had affected me, but by how much I wanted to carry her to my bed, spread her legs and pound into her. As I watched her walk away, my chest tightened.
Then I took a deep breath and followed those swaying, tantalizing curves.
Chapter 21
I walked away almost in a daze, unable to understand what had possessed me to kiss him like that. Even he looked shocked. Well, if nothing else, I had given him the perfect reason to hand in his resignation: reason for quitting, sexual harassment.
Maybe seeing his face made me feel guilty.
I had caused those bruises he sported and probably a bunch of others on his body that couldn’t be seen. I had also almost caused the death of my friends, and judging from the still, bloodied bodies I’d seen on the ground as we made our escape from the scene, none of the men who captured me had survived.
Not that I felt sorry for them or anything, but I hated the thought of being directly responsible for someone’s death. They must have had wives, lovers, and probably even children who would be mourning today. With a deep sigh, I headed towards the kitchen. I walked in and saw Gemma seated at the big wooden table by the corner perusing through a magazine. A tan dog sat on her lap.
“Mickey?” I squealed in surprise. “Gemma, is that Mickey?”
Gemma grinned. “Yes, it is.”
I hurried over. “Oh, my God. Where has he been all these days?”
“At a dog spa in the countryside. He wasn’t feeling too well, so your mother sent him over for treatment, rest, and pampering.”
“Awww.” I stroked his adorable head, but he didn’t act like he was too happy to see me. It stung a little since he’d been part of the family for over a decade, but I could hardly blame him. In the last ten years, I could easily count the number of times I’d been allowed to come home for a visit. Still, after what happened last night, I finally understood my father’s almost fanatical obsession for keeping me out of the way.
“How are you this morning?” Gemma asked, her eyes sliding over me.
“Great,” I said cheerfully. “Mind if I take him for a walk?”
She lifted Mickey and passed him over to me.
Mickey gave my cheek a polite lick and I smiled at him. I went out through the back door to leash Mickey and put him on the ground. The estate was vast and I didn’t want him to wander too far. I didn’t trust the Rottweilers patrolling the ground. They might mistake him for a tasty snack.
I spotted the large tree I used to sit under when I was younger and hadn’t found the chance to visit since I’d returned. Now seemed like the perfect time. Deciding to take the path north of the pool where the scenery was better, I strolled towards it. I was negotiating the narrow steps the gardeners used, when Mickey ran in front of me and in my effort not to step on him and squash him, my ankle twisted and I fell.
A whimper of pain escaped my throat as I hit the ground. “Damn it,” I muttered, as I shifted my throbbing ankle out from under me.
Mickey began to run around me in circles, sniffing at my body with concern.
I stroked his fur. “So you do remember me. And you care.” Then I turned my focus to my ankle to massage the bruised ligament. I knew it wasn’t sprained or anything because I knew exactly what a sprained ankle felt like. I had fallen out of enough trees to know that not only what a sprain felt like, but also a broken bone.
His movements were so silent I heard him speak before his presence even registered, “Are you unable to get up?”
I felt my heart freeze in my chest. Damn it, he was the last person I wanted to see me sprawled inelegantly on the ground. I took a deep breath, but I didn’t look up. Actually, I couldn’t look up, or even respond for that matter.
I forced myself to gather up my wits and rise to my feet. I felt a strong, warm hand close around my arm. I wanted to protest, but the words wouldn’t come out. I felt him hoist me up, as effortlessly as if I was a doll. I swear I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know how it happened, but suddenly, my entire body was leaning against his for support.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
I glanced up and my eyes collided with his ocean blue gaze. Jesus! That eye contact felt like being seared with a branding iron. I jumped away from his hold and stood on my own two feet. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks,” I muttered awkwardly, then looked around for the dog. “Mickey,” I called. He came to me and I picked up the handle of his leash.