Page 36 of Bodyguard Beast
To my surprise, it was not to be.
Suddenly, we were both on the ground, although, his body was on top of me ? it wasn’t crushing me ? with no hard knock to the back of my head and I wasn’t seeing stars. It took a few seconds to realize why. One of his hands was curved around the back of my head and it had cushioned the impact of my fall, while the other hand held his upper body cleanly away from me.
The sun was beating down on us and I could hear my wild heart pounding like the feet of a herd of zebras being chased by lions. My breath came in fast, short bursts as I stared with wide eyes up at him. Veins were popping out across his forehead and it was startling how close his electric blue eyes were to me. His hot breath tickled my face. The tips of our noses were almost grazing and our lips mere inches away.
For one crazy, insane, totally mindless, shocking, split second, I saw what looked like clawing, desperate lust in his eyes. Then it was gone and all I could feel was the heat coming from his body and the hardness of his cock digging into my belly. As I stared into his electric eyes, I realized this had never been a simple dispute. This was war! Our bodies were at war. As much as we hated each other’s guts, our bodies were being pulled irresistibly and disastrously towards the other. Like magnets we rushed to join and stick.
With a frown, he tried to push himself away from me, but without thinking my arms shot out and encircled his waist, gluing his lower body to mine. Like magnets. With the same blind logic, I raised my face and crushed my lips to his.
His entire body froze.
I could feel him fighting with himself as I licked his lips, tasting him. Like a vixen asking for permission to enter. His lips parted and I slipped my tongue into his mouth. God, he tasted delicious.
He tried to resist. Really, he tried, but I tightened my arms around him, swirled my tongue with his, and pulled it into my mouth.
As soon as I started to suck it, I heard a muffled groan and he gave in. He hooked my tongue and sucked it into his mouth. A pleasure so intense struck me and I almost became paralyzed by it. It felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. I could feel my hips begin to rock. The movement instinctive and out of my control. His cock had become as hard as a piece of wood and I wanted it inside me.
It was shocking, but I had become no more than a shameless animal driven by the desire to mate. Out in the open and not caring who saw or heard.
Suddenly, without any warning, he tore his mouth away and stared down at me. His eyes were hooded and astonished.
Frozen underneath him, I did nothing. Just gazed back at him in a daze of need. I wanted that mouth back on mine, but my hands fell away from around him.
“Fuck,” he muttered. He shook his head as if to clear it. “Fuck,” he repeated. “What the fuck?” Then he vaulted away from me as though he’d been burned. For a few moments, he stood there as if he couldn’t understand what had happened. Then he ran his hands through his hair and frowned. “Don’t tell your friends what I said or of your plans, until I’ve investigated and cleared them.” His voice sounded thick and hoarse.
“Fine, I won’t tell them anything, but you are wrong about them,” I said, my voice not much better.
With one last disbelieving glare at me, he walked away.
I lifted myself up on my elbows, and watched him leave, walking away as though both of our worlds had not just been shaken.
Little Mickey came to me then, nuzzling at my body and my face.
I fell back down and allowed the dog to jump all over me since I couldn’t get up anyway. That kiss had sucked out every ounce of energy from my system and it could take a while to recover. I closed my eyes and dreamed of the way those cold blue eyes had burst into flames and burned my core. Then I thought of his cock. How big and hard it had been as it pressed into me. I was so wet and hungry for it. But all of it shocked me to the core.
Maybe he could fend me off effortlessly with his fists, but it wasn’t me at the end of the day, who had all but run away for dear life. The thought made me smile. When I’d recovered enough, I rose to my feet. Now, in a significantly better mood I went to retrieve Angelo’s cap from the ground. I brought it to my nose and inhaled the scent of him. Butterflies started flapping in my belly. I jammed his cap on my head and headed back towards the house. My ankle hurt a bit, but so much adrenaline ramped through my veins I hardly felt it. In fact, I’d become so high on dopamine, I felt as if I was walking on a cloud.