Page 9 of Crossing the Line
“Yeah, man.” Tam has realized his error. “Before you met us, is what I meant. Believe me, you’re not on the outer with us. I…” He looks at me and I nod, feeling a swell of relief that we’re actually on the same page with this. “We really like you, Dom. A lot. We’d like to see you again, if that’s something you’d like to consider?”
Tam’s question throws me. I don’t usually stay for conversation after the sex. In my experience, couples who try this out for the first time are caught up in the moment, in the titillation of a ménage experience, and then as soon as the orgasm has been and gone the embarrassment takes over and they just want to scuttle out of there as quickly as possible and get back to their own reality. Which inevitably doesn’t include the third wheel.
“Um…” I don’t even know how to answer. I mean, I know why I chose this path, but how do I explain it? Do they really want to know?
“Come on, Dom.” Julia tugs on my hand and when I look into her eyes they’re like huge pools of liquid compassion. For some reason my throat clogs up and I cough, trying to clear the unexpected blockage.
“I like it when you call me Dom. My wife used to call me that, before she died.” They’re not the words I planned to say and I can’t believe I’ve just uttered them aloud.
There’s silence for a couple of heartbeats. Julia’s mouth opens and closes, but it’s Tam who finally speaks. His tone is gentle and encouraging.
“Dom.” My heart skitters a little faster when he uses that version of my name, too. “We’d really like to connect with you, man. Beyond sex.” When I finally meet his gaze, I see sympathy rather than the pity I was dreading. With both of them watching me so earnestly, it’s really hard to stay disconnected in the way I planned to when I first signed up for this gig.
Tam’s eyes narrow, as if he can sense something of my inner turmoil. “Can you share a little about yourself? Or, maybe you don’t want to at this point. Either way is okay by me.” His compassion is unexpected and again I start tearing up.
Jeez, this is so stupid. What’s wrong with me? Gently, I disengage my hand from Julia’s grasp, and pace across the room to stare out the window. We never drew the curtains before we began. Anyone looking in from a neighboring building would have seen our lovemaking in all its naked glory. The thought makes me smile for some reason, and I lay one hand on the window pane, enjoying the cold against my palm and considering who, out there in the real world, we might have shocked.
My hometown Melbourne is beautiful at night. So many lights of different hues and shapes twinkle across the city scape, and the Yarra River winds through the middle, looking calm and peaceful in the dark. I take a deep breath, trying to channel the calm, then let it out slowly between my teeth. When I turn back to face them, the lump in my throat has receded and I have at least some semblance of control back in place.
“Okay. I was married once, a long time ago, and we were happy. Really happy. Deb and I were like you guys. We met in school and married straight after. We were planning a family, eventually, but she…died.” I clear my throat. “Drunk driver hit her on her way home from work one night.”
There’s a sharp inhaled gasp from Tam. Jules raises both hands to her mouth and even from across the room I can see her eyes sparkle with sudden tears. “Dom, I’m so sorry.”
I shrug. “It was a long time ago. And for ages I didn’t feel like dating anyone else. Years actually. In fact I … um … hit the drink for a while there. Drugs, too, for a bit.”
“Understandable.” Tam nods slowly and I watch his hand creep out toward Julia, as if she’s a security blanket for him. I know he’s thinking about what it’d be like if he lost Jules, and our eyes meet in a kind of silent communication. His mouth twists briefly in a grimace. Yeah. Tam gets it.
I figure the hard bit’s already out so I might as well finish this explanation. But I’m not expecting the words to come out of my mouth in quite such a rush. “When I did start dating again I found I couldn’t connect with anyone if it was just one on one. I kept comparing them to Deb, even though rationally I know that’s not useful, or fair. Deep down here though…”—I bang my fist on my chest and shake my head—“ménage seems to work for me. I get a lot of pleasure out of seeing couples interact with each other. Reminds me of what I had with Deb, but it’s different enough that I can enjoy it without that comparison thing going on. To be honest though, usually we all just want to race out of there afterward, and get back to our own space. Our own life. Usually…”
My voice trails off and my legs suddenly feel too unsteady to hold me up, so I wobble back and take a seat in one of the cushioned chairs that make up part of the lounge area in this suite. I feel kind of strange, sort of…exposed in a way, and it creates a squiggly feeling in my belly that I’m not sure I like.
As soon as my arse hits the seat Julia is here, kneeling down in front of me and placing a hand on each of my thighs. “Usually?” There’s a soft huskiness in her voice that I enjoy, and her beautiful hazel eyes exude kindness and warmth. My sated cock twitches, reminding me, and Julia, too, by that knowing arch of her brow, of its presence. She brushes her hands up and down my naked skin, her fingers almost, but not quite, reaching my burgeoning flesh, and little zings of pleasure cause a chain reaction right through my body.
“Are you saying its different this time?” The movement of hands, swishing up and down my thighs in a slow yet insistent rhythm, impede my thoughts.
“Yeah. Um … yeah. I guess … it does feel different this time.” I jump when Tam begins massaging my neck and shoulders. While I’ve been busy staring into Julia’s hypnotic gaze he’s managed to move around behind me without being noticed. Tam’s touch is noticeably different to Julia’s. His kneading fingers are firm and sure as he works out the knotted tension in my muscles. A four-handed massage, of sorts. I could get used to this. Especially with this couple, who for some reason have touched me in a way I haven’t been touched in years. And I don’t mean what they’re doing right now.
“Different in a good way?” Tam’s query comes from above, and I nod, just a little, not wanting to interfere with what he’s doing. It feels so fucking good.
“Yeah. Definitely in a good way. I want to see you guys again, after tonight. It felt right, from the very first moment we started chatting online.”
“I thought the same.” Julia reaches further up my thighs until her thumbs graze my burgeoning hard-on and drift across my balls in gentle, insistent spiral movements. Oh, yes. “And you, Tam?”
Her slanting glance up at her husband is almost coquettish and Tam’s rhythmic kneading falters on my shoulders. God, answer her, man! She starts to stroke all the way up my cock, which is no longer at half-mast but now fully proclaiming my need. My breathing is anything but even. I suck in a moan, trying to maintain control for as long as I can.
“Yeah.” Tam’s body presses right up behind me and all I can think is, Thank God for the low back on this chair. It gives me the opportunity to feel his dick against my back. It’s as stiff as mine, its heat and hardness insistent and pleasurable. A low chuckle vibrates somewhere near the back of my head. “I could never have gone through with this if the connection wasn’t there.” His hands resume the shoulder massage. “This is some kind of line we crossed, tonight. But now that we have, I don’t want to go back. And I don’t think I’d be able to say that, Dom, if we hadn’t felt something special with you. Not just me, but Jules, too. I know my wife, and she really likes you.”
His kind words, and Julia’s nodding grin as she starts to work harder at my erection, carries me right to the brink of climax. For the first time in years I feel connected, part of something so much more than a quick fuck and farewell.
Their hands on my body are eliciting all-new sensations that interrupt my concentration. I can’t think at all, anymore. All I can do is let out a low moan and lean my suddenly lax head back against Tam’s stomach, watching through lowered eyelids as Julia bends down and takes me into her mouth. “Yeah, that feels so … oh yeah, Jules, just like that…” The way she moves her lips and mouth, and even her teeth, over my cock, promises a quick release. I try to hold off, slow it down—think of anything but this delicious moist heat cocooning my flesh. I try, but I fail, especially when she tilts her head in that teasing manner, glancing up with my dick still in her mouth and laughter in her eyes.
“Let go, man.” Tam’s voice whispers in my ear and his hands knead in perfect sync with his wife’s sucking on my dick. Harder. Faster. I’m so close to the edge. “Don’t wait. Just let her do her magic. This one’s purely for you.”
I groan again, and can’t hold on, and push her off in a rush so I don’t gush down her throat. When her hand closes over my cock instead of her lips it’s too much. I’m there, not at the edge anymore but falling right over it, letting out a strangled yell and bucking in the chair as my cum spurts up in pulsing streams and lands all over my own stomach.