Page 4 of The Gamble

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Page 4 of The Gamble

“Mr. Wagner is Noah’s father,” Megan had replied pointedly.

We enter the small room and take our seats around the table. Judge Bass sweeps in five minutes early, and Ed tiptoes in a minute late. “I’m sorry, Your Honor,” he says sheepishly. “My car wouldn’t start this morning. I had to call a co-worker for a ride.”

Co-worker? Since when does he have a job?

Judge Bass waves away the apology. “Let’s get going. I’d like to start by talking to the boy alone.” She gives Noah an encouraging smile. “Do you like Lego?”

My nephew lives for Lego. The floor of his room is scattered with agonizingly sharp blocks. He’s seen the movie more times than I can count. He nods eagerly. “Me too,” Judge Bass says, getting to her feet and holding out her hand to Noah. “Let’s go build stuff.”

Thirty minutes later,Judge Bass returns to the courtroom. She’s alone. “I asked Dr. Kang to come in,” she says. “She’s with Noah while we reach an agreement.” She looks up. “Mr. Hughes and Mr. Wagner, the last time you were in my courtroom, I recommended mediation. Have you reached a settlement?”

Judge Bass met with Elena Kang? Oh shit.

I open my mouth to tell the judge that mediation had been a waste of time, but Megan jumps in before I put my foot in it. “No, Your Honor.”

The judge fixes us with a piercing glare. “Why not?”

Megan clears her throat. “Judge Bass, my client, Mr. Hughes, is seeking sole custody of his nephew. He has been Noah’s’ primary caregiver for the last four years. He provides the child a stable home life, something that Mr. Wagner has failed to do. He’s gainfully employed as the security director of the Grand—”

The judge cuts her off. “I’ve read your brief, Ms. Noura. Do you have anything new to add?”

Megan hesitates and then shakes her head. “No, Your Honor.”

Judge Bass turns to Ed. “You’re representing yourself, Mr. Wagner?”

“Yes, Your Honor. If that’s okay.” Ed sounds nervous. He couldn’t find a suit for Chloe’s funeral, but today, he’s managed to scrounge up a suit from somewhere. Asshole.

“Of course.” The judge gives him a kind smile, which only annoys me further. Women always melt when Ed looks helpless, something I’ll never understand if I live to be a hundred. “Do you have anything to say?”

Ed draws in a breath. “Your Honor, I know I haven’t been a good parent. I fell apart after Chloe’s death. I couldn’t cope. I drank too much. I did stupid things. I left Atlantic City, and I got into trouble. Carter picked up the slack. He took care of Noah, and I will never be able to repay him for what he did.” He lifts his head and looks at the judge squarely. “But I’m better. I’ve been clean for more than a year. I have a job and an apartment. Noah is my son. I love him very much, and I can give him a stable home.”

“You’ve been sharing custody with Mr. Hughes for the last four months.”

Ed nods. “I have Noah three days a week, but Carter is…” His voice trails off. Judge Bass gives him another encouraging smile. “Carter is determined that I fail. Atlantic City is a small town. Carter and Dominic Crawford have blackballed my name all over town. Everyone knows that if they give me a job, they’re going up against the owner of one of the city’s largest employers. Finding work has been difficult.”

Damn right it has. And yet Ed has both a job and an apartment, so I’m obviously not doing a good enough job.

“That’s not the only thing. In the last month, Carter has shown up at Noah’s kindergarten five times when it was my turn to pick him up. He told Noah that if I didn’t show up, that Carter was there for him. Three days ago, I was five minutes late. Even though I’d called the school to let them know, Carter lost his temper and screamed at me in front of Noah. Accused me of abandoning my child, like I’ve done all his life.”

Megan tenses at my side. Yeah, yeah, I know. Never blindside your lawyer. I should have told her. Dominic’s sitting behind me, so I can’t see his reaction. I doubt he’s happy either.

The judge gives me a sharp look. “Is this true, Mr. Hughes?”

“Noah wasn’t supposed to overhear us.”

Susannah Bass is unimpressed. “Did you show up at your nephew’s school on days when Mr. Wagner had custody?”

“Yes,” I admit.

“Five times in the last month, or more than that?”

Lying to a judge isn’t a good idea. “More than five,” I murmur with a grimace.

The judge’s lips tighten. “Mr. Hughes, your attitude toward Mr. Wagner is affecting your nephew. For two people who are supposedly concerned about the child’s welfare, you are doing a terrible job of showing it.” She shuts the folder in front of her with a snap. “Last month, I heard complaints from Mr. Wagner that you were threatening prospective employers of his. The month before, you had called the cops on him because he was late returning Noah to your custody. I agree with Mr. Wagner. You’re trying to ruin his life.”

I do the smartest thing I’ve done since Ed got out of jail. I say nothing.

Megan gathers her wits. “Judge Bass, if I may—”

“Do not interrupt me, Ms. Noura,” the judge snaps.


“Mr. Wagner has served his debt to society. He deserves to parent his child in peace. I’ve warned your client about his behavior before, Ms. Noura. I’ve recommended mediation. Nothing seems to work, so it’s time for drastic measures. Mr. Wagner, on a provisional basis, you have sole custody of Noah for the next six weeks. Mr. Hughes, both you and your proxies are forbidden from contacting either Noah or Mr. Wagner for that period.” She stares pointedly at Dominic. “I will reevaluate the custody arrangement after that time.”

Megan jumps to her feet. “Judge Bass, my client is the only parent Noah has known for most of his life. Six weeks without contact with him cannot be in the boy’s best interests.”

“I will permit one ten-minute call once a day,” the judge says. “It will be initiated by Noah. Mr. Wagner, it’s your responsibility to ensure the calls happen. The child will continue to attend his therapy sessions. Dismissed.”

I was prepared for the outcome to be bad. I was prepared for joint custody. But I wasn’t ready for disaster.

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