Page 14 of Hateful Lies
“You said you hated the food here, Bryce,” he snaps, “and what do you have to study on the first day?”
“I don’t want to spend another summer in another remedial class with you,” replies Bryce coldly, “You may enjoy the slow pace, but I was bored.”
Pierce scowls at me as if I dissed him. Terri manages to get up from the floor without any help. He zigzags like a turtle balancing a vast shell on its back. And as soon as he straightens up, Pierce reaches over and pushes him again, sending Terri sprawling into a girl that screams like a banshee.
Fuck this shit. I shake my head and yank my arm out of his grip, but he blocks my path. “Did anyone say you could leave?” he sneers.
I look past him at Terri, who’s holding his arm like it’s hurt. His eyes are shining when he glances over at us, and he’s torn between getting his ass kicked or taking off.
I narrow my eyes on Pierce. “Just get the fuck out of my way.”
Pierce scoffs. “You can take the slut out of the hood, but the hood will never leave the slut.”
I roll my eyes. “Fuck you, you prissy snob.”
“Pierce, come on.” Bryce yawns behind his hand. “You’re wasting time, or more specifically, my time on this.”
This? I’m a this now. I can feel the heat rising up my shirt collar as fury takes me over.
Pierce holds up his finger to the other boy, and a flash of something nasty passes quickly over Bryce’s expression but is quickly replaced with a look of boredom.
“At Stonehaven,” Pierce speaks smoothly, “we have the ability to express ourselves with more than one overused and very common word.”
I stare at him, knowing that I’ve been insulted but not clear on how much. Roni has finally noticed we’re missing, and she starts hurrying toward us like a mama bear defending her cubs.
“Pierce, I’m leaving,” says Bryce as he turns his back, and Justin follows. Wyatt doesn’t leave. He looks sternly at me, but the look is warning me not to lash out. He knows what I want to do so badly. The hate is rising up in my throat and burning it like acid. It’s been days since I kicked ass in the ring, and I need to beat out my tension. Just let this punk kid say one more nasty thing.
“So, Princess, when do we get the pleasure of meeting your daddy?” His lips twitch. “Or did the paternity test come back negative?” He licks the tip of his tongue over his lips, and I’m done.
My hand flies up in the air like it has a will of its own, and I slap the bastard across the face so loudly that the sound reverberates around the hall like a shot fired. Roni’s eyes bug out of her face, as does Terri’s, and Wyatt is racing toward us. Everyone is looking at me like I’m the uncouth piece of low-class trash—they’re about to get a lesson on what the other 99 percent can do.
“Fuck you!” I shout. “You know nothing about me but what you conjecture. You like that big word, dumbass?”
Pierce’s gaze cuts deep into me as he holds his glowing cheek. The insult hits harder than the slap.
“Let me spell it out for you,” I continue, “G-O. F-U-C-K. Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F.”
His hand leaves his face, and my thoughts whirl as I wonder if he’s going to actually strike me back. I don’t expect a Stonehaven boy to hit a girl, at least not in public. Men who beat women only do it behind closed doors because they’re too chicken shit to let everyone know what they’re really like.
Towering over me, Pierce places his hand on the nape of my neck, pulling me close. The hard muscles in his thighs press into me, and chills race around my body as the threat excites me. I’m not into sick shit, but this place may not be as dull as it looks on the outside.
His body takes command over mine as he whispers into my ear, “Why fuck me when I can fuck you, babe?”
I definitely don’t want that, and I start to struggle to get out of his strong grip.
“Don’t say no just yet,” he smiles. “If you reach into my pocket, there’s a crisp twenty for you. But you gotta pull it out slowly.”
“Let me go!” I snarl.
“Okay,” he grips harder, “an extra twenty if you blow me.”
Pierce moves back jerkily as Wyatt grips his shoulders and takes him off me. “Back off, Pierce.”
Pierce smiles at Wyatt and shakes him off his shoulders. “I figured you want the wild girl, Wyatt. But know your place and get in line.”
Wyatt grabs Pierce by the shoulder and spins him around. Pierce shoves Wyatt, but instead of hitting him in that obnoxiously straight nose, Wyatt chuckles, then they clasp shoulders.
“Don’t be a dick,” Wyatt says as they walk away, “It’s unbecoming to your impeccable status, Pierce.”
“Are you okay?” asks Roni, as she leads me off in the opposite direction with Terri trailing behind us. “Ignore them, Astrid. They’re assholes to everyone. It makes them feel better about their micro-dicks.”
I smile, but my eyes are still on the boys as they sit down at table eight. By the time the faculty member appears, it’s over, and people are immersed in their own conversations about what they witnessed. In my mind, I picture Pierce in the ring on his knees, begging me to punch him anywhere but his precious nose. I smile as I smash my fist into it, sending him sprawling across the floor.
Maybe, just maybe my dream will come true someday?