Page 24 of Hateful Lies
Chapter 10
Early in the morning, I slip back into my room but hear someone giggle as I shut the door. I creep over to Roni’s bed, but she’s snoring softly. The clock on her side of the room inches toward 4 a.m. Quietly, I climb into bed, pushing the pillows out of the way as I squirm underneath the covers. The next thing I remember is the sunlight in my eyes as I wake up. I didn’t get caught sneaking in, but I notice Roni eyeing me with suspicion. She’s too smart to be treated like a fool.
Instead of meeting after school, the investors club meets on Fridays, and I have fifteen minutes to shower and find the classroom. My luck is finally changing as I rush into the rarely empty bathroom. Soon I’m out the door, heading toward Oberlin Hall, checking my map every step of the way. Lame excuses for not having the fee race around my head, but Professor Getz will have to believe that I’m good for it.
I tug open the heavy wood door to an ancient building that looks more like a residence than a school. If I ever go to England, I guess I’ll see plenty of ancient brick houses with slate roofs like this. My shoes echo on the gleaming floor as I listen for movement. Oberlin has a musty odor of old books and lemon-scented polish that does something to me. Pausing for a moment, I close my eyes and take everything in around me with all my senses. I absorb the atmosphere—the muted paint on the walls, the smell of old paper as it crumbles to dust, and the coolness of an old, drafty room with creaky floors. For the first time, Stonehaven inspires awe in me, and I realize fully the lucky break I’ve been gifted. Giggling, I take a running start and slide across the polished floor.
I open my eyes, and Professor Getz stands a few feet away from me, smiling. The heat rushes up my neck, but it’s too late to play cool.
“You caught me acting like a nerd,” I smile weakly, “I used to sniff books at the bookstore when I was little.”
He laughs. “I still do it.”
I clear my throat. “Professor Getz, about the fee for the club…”
“Bryce Shelton paid it,” replies Professor Getz, frowning, “He said he owed you money.”
Professor Getz continues down the hallway, and I hurry to catch up before I lose him. Bryce offered, but I would never say yes. Or maybe I did? It was the middle of the night. But he wanted a deal. What did he want?
We enter a small room in the basement, which I later learn is Professor Getz’s office. I also learn that we can replace economics with the investors club meetings, but Getz suggests we continue with the class to get a better understanding of the topic. He glances over at Bryce, who sits regally in a stuffed armchair by a tall bookcase. I sit with the only other girl on a small couch. There are eight of us in total, and while I don’t say much, I listen closely and take a lot of notes.
When the meeting ends, I walk out into the hallway and wait for Bryce. He almost hurries past me but stops short when he notices me leaning on the wall with my arms folded. He leans against the wall beside me, and neither one of us speaks. Professor Getz walks out of his office, looking a bit surprised to see us hanging out.
“Good evening, sir,” Bryce nods and starts walking away.
“Good evening, Prof…Professor Getz,” I mimic Bryce, hoping it sounds legit.
“Good evening, Astrid.” Getz smiles, and I hurry up to catch Bryce. We walk side by side up the stairs to the first floor, and then Bryce holds the front door open for me.
“Thank you,” I nod warily.
He catches my hand and spins me around, so I’m facing him. “You’re not going to behave differently. Are you?”
“What do you mean?” I ask, knowing exactly what he means.
“Good evening, Professor Getz.” He speaks in a squeaky voice that doesn’t sound anything like mine.
“Thank you for helping me, Bryce, and now, go play with yourself.” I start walking fast toward the dining hall, but he catches up swiftly and walks beside me.
“What do you want?” I bite out in a fury. “Why are you helping me?” I stop marching. “Don’t you dare think anything will ever happen between us.”
He stares at me with those eyes that are a shade of blue that I’ve never seen on a person before. That color only appears in the ocean right before it rains but never on a person.
“I don’t like you,” I squeak and start walking again.
“Astrid.” He catches up again. “I do want something, but we will discuss it in private. Meet me in the stacks on the fourth floor of Stonier. You know where the stacks are located?”
“In a library,” I reply coldly, “Except at my old school, we only had one book to read, so we called it the stack.”
Bryce grimaces like I might be telling the truth. I’m seriously nuts if I meet him in a secluded place, but I have to be brave. I owe him money, and that doesn’t sit well with me.
Wanting to belong isn’t my goal at Stonehaven, but I’ll figure out a way to be included. It’s not that I want to be best friends with the freakin’ campus. I want to be shown respect and get the chance I should’ve had if my father had stuck around. I’m not hurting anyone by wanting the education that’s been offered to me.
Unfortunately, trusting Bryce is probably a big mistake. He’s going to want more than an IOU. He showed his shitty temper when we were at the Pit. Why did I let him get away with manipulating me? Maybe because he could? Fuck. I know how to tear up ass. I can still defend myself.