Page 26 of Hateful Lies
Chapter 11
The second I step outside, I hurry toward the library. Gym has already started at Stonier Hall, but I need a moment alone to sort this out. The campus has walking paths, circling around large boulders, with places to catch a little downtime without running back to the dorms. I can’t risk someone sneaking up and looking over my shoulder, so I head for the Jacob L. Hillman Library instead.
Though all the buildings look ancient on the outside, the interiors are up to date with bright lighting, modern furniture, and climate control. The main floor has group study tables past the main desk. I sit at a circular table near a window, where no one can slip behind me. I pull the statement out of my backpack and read every line. The only name on the account is mine, but the bank is located on Main Street, and I can ask for his name. My new plan is to ride over there on my bike after school, except I have to meet Bryce first.
Daddy dearest is stingy with the zeros. I stare at the amount again. It’s more than what I have, but I can earn this in two weeks if I hustle hard enough. I shove the envelope back into my backpack and head over to Stonier. I don’t want to miss gym; it’s the only class I’m good at.
I take the elevator up to the fourth floor to reach the stacks, and when the doors open, I’m right there. The entire floor is rows upon rows of books that touch the ceiling. The lighting becomes dimmer as I walk into the stacks like I’m entering a forest of books. I run my fingertips along the bindings, craning my neck around corners and wondering if Bryce is even here yet. I should have gone to the bank instead. I had the time when I left gym class. I also discovered today I need a school uniform for gym. I thought I could wear my own gear. I’m starting to understand that every piece of clothing worn on campus serves a purpose at Stonehaven.
The floor must be empty of people because the only sounds I hear are expected in a vast building. In the distance, the A/C cycles on and off, and a door out of sight bangs a couple of times. I consider calling out his name, but do I really want to see Bryce that badly? The last time we were alone…I shake the thought away. He intimidates me, and it has nothing to do with his size. It’s the way he looks at me with those sharp eyes. Instinctively, I hug myself, running my hands up and down my arms to rub the uncomfortable feeling away.
It’s fucked up. I want to see Bryce for the rush. Arguing with him is as intense as being at the Pit. My first time in the ring was terrifying as a stocky girl beat me in a minute flat. I lay there on the hard concrete as she put her foot on my back until Derick dragged me away by my arms. It’s the novelty of another challenge that makes me want to see him, but I dread the power Bryce is gaining over me. I have to pay him back that money immediately. I can’t owe that boy anything. Even if I want the power he has, I have to find another way to get it. I have the opportunity, so I must have a better life. Like Mom says, youth is expendable, so invest in your brain.
“You’re lost in thought.” Bryce steps in front of me, and I start. “Or maybe your head is up your ass?”
I place my hand on my chest to hold down my pounding heart. “I thought you didn’t curse?”
He smirks, curling his lips slowly into a smile. “It depends on the company.”
“Hey. So, thanks again for helping me out,” I tell Bryce, “But I don’t need the money, so I’m going to pay you back tomorrow. In cash.”
His eyes widen in wonder, and then he starts to laugh. “I already have money. And I don’t need yours. Besides, that’s not what I want from you.”
My feet are thinking faster than my brain as I edge away from him. “Look, I have the money. I can pay you back the loan.”
Bryce shakes his head. “That wasn’t the deal, Astrid.”
My breathing is audible as I keep walking backward. I scan for a shortcut out of the stacks, but I wandered in too far. Fuck, this was stupid. I can’t fight Bryce off. Not in this tight space.
Bryce closes the gap between us and looks down his nose at me. “Are you scared, Astrid?” he whispers, “What do you think I’m going to do to you?”
His hand grazes my arm with a delicate touch that becomes brutal in a flash. The bastard left a purple bruise on my thigh because I didn’t listen to my gut. He’s too dangerous to challenge on his territory. I’m not strong enough yet. I pull away quickly, avoiding his grip as he tries to grab my wrist again.
“This isn’t fair,” I hiss, “Just take your shitty money.”
“But I want your body.” He laughs at my fear. “You should see your frightened face right now. Your eyes look like an owl’s. You aren’t tough.”
My face hardens into a scowl. “It’s not a fair fight.”
“I want your body.” Bryce pretends to yawn. “But not in the way your dirty little mind thinks.” He sneers as his gaze passes over me. “I want you to fight for me in the Pit.”
The relief floods over me, cooling my skin and bending my knees. I actually sigh as a grin displaces the stress I felt moments before.
Bryce scowls, no doubt annoyed by my reaction. “You’ll earn that money back for me and more,” he speaks softly as we walk toward the elevator, just in case. “I want to sponsor you as one of my fighters. Grinder is wasting your potential by pairing you with women whose only purpose is to entertain. You need to be the main attraction.”
“What’s the split?” I reply, and his smile widens as his gaze holds mine.
“Astute question,” he remarks, “Seventy-thirty split.”
I scoff. “And who gets seventy?” My question is answered with a piercing stare. “I thought so,” I reply, “So, basically, you’re pimping me out.”
“Astrid,” he sighs, “the world is a bigger place than the neighborhood where you crawled away from. Stonehaven is a different universe.”
I give this guy the dirtiest look I can without swearing, but I can’t walk away. I have money in the bank, but it won’t last. Not around here. The club has fees. I need a gym uniform, and the dining hall closes early on the weekends. Plus, the campus security guards expect a twenty to ignore curfew. I won’t have that much cash unless I fight. I need the Pit, and now, I need Bryce to make sure I get paid the real money.
“So, who else are you representing?” I hold my breath, waiting to hear Wyatt’s name. The way Bryce watched Mask tear that guy up last night, he must know his secret. Besides, they hang together. Shouldn’t they be close?
“Don’t worry that pretty head about the details,” Bryce replies, pulling out his wallet, “Your only concern is training. There’s a private gym in Stonier.” He holds up a wad of bills in his hand like it’s a treat for being obedient. “I want you to train in the members-only gym. It’s private, and the facilities are state of the art. But there’s a fee.”
I look down at the roll of bills in his outstretched hand. There’s a twenty on top, and judging by the width, it has to be at least three hundred dollars. In the Pit, a fighter learns how to count money without touching it.
Beaming like a rich dick, Bryce holds it out toward me. Glaring nastily, I press my lips together then leave him hanging as I sashay away.