Page 50 of Hateful Lies
“I need money,” I state the fact firmly. “You know. The small paper you collect in a wallet and take to the store, and then they let you leave with shit.”
She frowns, pulling her hair into a ponytail. “You are a dumbass. Those boys used you. And I doubt you’ll get anything.”
“No shit,” I snap, “You figure it out on your own?”
She purses her lips. “I figured it out before you.”
I toss the throw on the floor. “Thank you for helping me out, and by the way, fuck you. I’m gone.”
“Astrid.” She slips off the bed and stands up. “We can’t talk if you leave, and if you leave, you’ll be dependent on those boys.”
Charlotte’s right, and that really pisses me off. Plan A is barely working, and Plan B just failed. I need something that will work. Listening to Charlotte won’t cost me any more than I’ve already lost. I pick the throw up off the floor and wrap it over my shoulders.
Charlotte sighs. “So they told you that you could join the club if you had sex with all three of them?”
I nod.
Charlotte plops down on her bed and crosses her legs. “Not the first time they pulled that dirty trick. If I were in your situation, I would find a boy who has a trust fund of ten million and convince him to marry you. Pick one that’s a virgin. You should be able to find one at that price point, but he might have a minor problem if he’s still a virgin. You know, acne on the chin, receding hairline, wheezes when he runs. Like that guy you hang out with—Terri Hamilton. Marry him for a year, or however long the prenup lasts. Then dump him and start a clothing business.”
Speechless and in shock, I have seen some shit that would make a grown man hide his face, but this is unreal. “Is that your plan? To be a gold digger?”
Charlotte laughs like my comment is hysterical. “No, silly, I don’t need to marry for money. I intend to marry for status, but that will be a little harder to do with Bryce chasing after you.”
My feet feel cold under this warm cover. “I don’t understand.”
She smiles as if I should. “I’ve been off and on with Bryce since the sixth grade. I plan to marry him, so I will be a Shelton. But he seems a little more attached to you than I’m comfortable with.” She wags her finger at me. “But it will be okay when we marry.
“And regarding Wyatt, he is handsome, but he’s no longer a prospect. His uncle made a series of bad investments. His only option is to marry new money, which you aren’t. If you want to help Wyatt, introduce him to your new-money roommate. Everyone needs a plastic hook. Then after they’re married, he’s all yours.”
“Holy fuck, you are insane! All of you!” I throw my hands in the air. “This is nuts. I wouldn’t marry Wyatt off so I could sleep with him later. This is stupid crazy.”
“You’re so used to being poor.” Charlotte looks at me as if I couldn’t see the light unless I was holding the bulb. “This is Stonehaven. You’re judging us by standards that don’t exist here. That’s why you’re having a hard time.” She giggles. “Do you plan to marry for love?”
I shake my head. “My mother raised me on her own. My father is out of the picture.” Charlotte flinches but says nothing, so I continue. “I don’t think about marriage because it’s never really been a thing for me to even consider. I guess it’s something I’d do, but I’ll never plan it.”
“Well,” Charlotte replies. “When your worth reaches a certain number, marriage is no longer a game of chance. Especially if some girl comes along and distracts your number-one prospect.”
I cringe in disgust. “You can have Bryce.” I pull the throw tighter. “You can have all of them.”
“Don’t pout, Astrid,” she says, “Let them calm down and trust you, then smile when you twist the knife. That’s how the game is played.”
I watch Charlotte cautiously. “So, you don’t want to get even with me over Bryce?”
She laughs. “No, you’ve been through enough. Besides, Bryce is expected to marry me.” She sighs, “I’m definitely divorcing him in a year. I never hear you talk about your mom. Is she not around anymore?”
I start at the quick change in the conversation, but I want to talk about it. “You have to keep it a secret.”
“I have no fear, so I have nothing to hide,” she replies. “I’m the only person who hasn’t lied to you so far.”
“Roni hasn’t lied.”
Charlotte says nothing. Her expression remains steady as she stares across the room, waiting for me to continue.
“My mom’s in rehab,” I tell her, “She’s addicted to painkillers. And I haven’t been able to speak to her because they don’t allow phones. They’re afraid people will call out for drugs.”
Charlotte frowns. “Which rehab?”
“She was moved to one in Massachusetts—Attleboro?” I screw up my face, recalling the name.