Page 29 of Brutal Lies
Pierce takes a drag, and it’s a moment before he speaks. “Charlotte could’ve had any one of us, and she picked that prick. He’s playing you both.”
I eye Pierce through the smoky haze. “What do you mean?”
He smirks. “He told Charlotte to go out with Terri.”
My eyes widen as my mouth drops open. “Why would Charlotte date Terri if she wants Bryce? It makes no sense.”
“Not to you, it doesn’t.” He inhales again, but I wave off his offer to take another drag. Suddenly a clear head is crucial.
“Explain it to me.” I wait for a snarky answer, but Pierce shakes his head.
“I could come up with all sorts of reasons for him acting like a jackass.” He glances at me. “But you’ll think of some way to forgive him. Me telling you the truth isn’t a deal-breaker. You don’t believe me?” He shrugs his shoulders. “You keep an eye on him, and maybe you’ll learn.”
I scoff, but I know he’s right. It’s never taken me this long to figure someone out, and I just can’t figure out anyone here. I won’t admit it though. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” I reply casually. “Like now. If someone had told me that you didn’t act like an ass twenty-four-seven, I would’ve laughed in their face.”
Thoughtfully, he watches me, and I watch him back, not sure if I hate him as much as I did before. He’s nice now, but what happens when he forgets that I helped him out?
“You’re still a jerk,” I tell him.
“You’re a bitch, but not as dumb as I thought…”
I punch his arm, and he drops the joint. We both scramble to the floor to retrieve it, laughing as we try to pick it up without burning our fingers. As we crawl on the old rug, Pierce stamps it out on the rug, singeing the threads. I start to giggle as the embers smoke.
Our bodies are a little too close when we stop laughing. On our hands and knees, we face one another, and suddenly I feel conscious of him near me. I can feel his breath on my cheek as I stare into his extreme eyes. Pierce gives me a look, not a nasty one, but one of interest. I notice but don’t look away. I challenge him instead, wondering if tomorrow he’ll be a jerk again.
“What if you burn the place down?” I whisper.
“I won’t,” he replies, “Not unless I want to.”
“You like being bad,” I smirk.
He grins. “Not as much as you.”