Page 21 of Spiteful Lies
Should I be offended that they like Charlotte better? No, that’s silly. Bryce was going to marry her, and they know nothing about me. I think.
“We’ll walk you to the dining hall,” Charlotte smiles, “They’re not serving turkey today.”
Mrs. Shelton places her hand on her chest and laughs. “Thank goodness. I can’t stand that dreadful bird.”
Charlotte motions toward me as I walk behind them. “Astrid can’t stand it either. She prefers chicken.”
The smile on Mrs. Shelton’s face fades as her eyes glaze. “Oh.” She turns back to Charlotte and links her arm in hers. “Dear, I’m so sorry to hear about your father. Give him our best, will you?”
Charlotte stammers, but then her knockout smile blazes across her face. “I will. And I’m sure he’ll say hello.”
Mr. Shelton livens up. “Glad to hear he’s doing better. Sorry we won’t have time to see him this trip. But we’re always thinking about him.”
I scoff before I can tamp it down. And they’re quiet, with stiff expressions as they walk on. But come on, the asshole is dying. You’re not going to have another chance. I fall back and watch them step up to the dining hall door. Gary is dressed in a suit, standing by the door like a maître d’ at a Rockingham restaurant. He sees the smirk on my face, and maybe because of it, he decides to teach me a lesson.
“No coffee from the back door, Astrid.” He glares at me sternly. “The kitchen is busy today. You’re going to have to eat inside with the rest of them.”
That earns a curious look from the Sheltons as I mutter a hasty hello to Gary. I want to crawl into a hole, and I consider excusing myself to welcome a different set of parents, but I don’t have a chance to take off. Bryce immediately waves us over to a table in front.
My knees knock as I bite down on my lip. Pierce is seated by a man, and the man is definitely his father, Mr. Vanderbilt. They both share that cocky, tilting brow as if they’re waiting to tell a mean joke at your expense and then will be offended when you don’t laugh.
Charlotte stops short. “I have to return to the gate and welcome more parents. Astrid will escort you the rest of the way. Look, Bryce is waving you over.”
What the fuck just happened? Did she ditch me? “Charlotte!” I grab her hand. “Come with us.”
She smiles, and there’s a glint in her eye, but maybe not. Maybe it’s a tear. It’s hard to tell if it’s her getting even or if she wants to get away before she loses it. It should be Charlotte going to the table, not me. And I feel it even more as the two of us physically switch places.
“Charlotte, I’m not sure about this. Can’t you stay with me?”
“Astrid, I can’t. You’re braver than both of us, and well, you can do this. You have to. It’s your life now.”
I watch Charlotte walk away and gain a new appreciation for all the shit she has had to deal with. I clear my throat and slowly turn to face my new future. If I can survive a meal with these people, then I can handle being a Howland forever.
Pierce stands up and approaches me with a hand outstretched. He grasps my elbow and pulls me toward the table. “Dad, let me introduce you to Astrid Howland.”
Mr. Vanderbilt grins, but it’s not friendly. “Oh, so this is the one. You’re a lucky lady, Astrid Howland. Perfect timing.”
His meaning is lost on no one. Pierce glares at his father but says nothing. Charlotte was shown sympathy, but I’m congratulated for swooping in at the last minute. I don’t know how to respond, so I keep my mouth shut.
“Astrid, why don’t you sit by me?” Bryce pulls the chair beside him away from the table.
I hesitate as Pierce’s grip loosens and leaves my back. For a moment, I feel as if I’ve been set adrift as they watch me carefully move toward the empty chair. Avoiding eye contact, I sit down with a sigh, and Bryce places his hand on the back of my chair. His fingers rub my back, offering comfort, but instead, it sets my hair on edge as his mother watches us closely. I sit forward in my chair until he stops.
“What a shame,” Mrs. Shelton sighs dramatically, “I had hoped Charlotte would have joined us today. She’s always a delight and is so charming and sweet. And knows what to say. A wonderful upbringing. You can tell when someone has been raised a certain way.”
“Definitely not from the gutter,” replies Mr. Shelton with a chuckle.
“Excuse me, but this conversation is out of line.” The tension in Bryce’s voice is apparent.
“It needs to be discussed,” replies Mr. Shelton, “I’m sure she’s a nice girl, but not the right choice.”
“You barely liked Charlotte.”
Mr. Shelton eyes me. “I like her better now.”
The comment hangs in the air as Bryce scowls at his father. It’s only going to escalate if I don’t say or do something, but what? Charlotte would know what to do. She knows how to conceal her fear while eager wolves circle her, ready to take a nip. I place a hand on Bryce’s leg, hoping it will calm him down before something bad happens. The last thing I need is for Rawlins to walk in and see me at the center of a bad scene.
Let me try my best. “Bryce. Pierce. I didn’t expect to see either one of you on campus today.” I smile hard. “I’m sure Dr. Rawlins will be glad to see you both here. She’s put a lot of effort into today, and Stonehaven needs our support.”