Page 25 of Spiteful Lies
“I’m sorry, Astrid,” he says softly, “Maybe not the best time or place for a first meeting.”
I shrug one shoulder as I swipe my fingertips over his hand softly. “It had to happen, so why not in front of witnesses?” I tease, “At least Rawlins saw that I didn’t start it this time.”
He smiles, easing the awkwardness. “It’s a small reward.” He kisses me quickly on the cheek. “But not my biggest concern.” When I pull away from him, Bryce’s gaze goes to Charlotte. He hesitates, and I’ve never seen Bryce hung up on what to do. In the end, he pecks Charlotte on the cheek and sits beside her on Roni’s bed.
Charlotte’s brow rises with so many questions, but I can’t explain it now. Later, I’ll explain, but she should understand it. She should know all about ladies’ choice and that Bryce would never tolerate sharing me except with his equals. Sharing? How long are they going to be willing to keep this up? Their parents are trying to make up our minds for us. But the catty insults and arguments didn’t pull us apart. Only we can do that.
Pierce relaxes back into the chair, stretching his legs out and crossing the ankles. “Rawlins would have a fit if she saw us in here instead of in the lounge, but she’s got worse shit going on to distract her.”
“So, what are we going to do?” asks Charlotte. Five sets of eyes land on her, and she laughs. “The looks on your faces give it all away. Plus Astrid has been stressed, and I guessed it isn’t entirely about our father, Mr. Howland.”
I don’t dare look around to see if the boys are relieved as I am. For a second there, I thought she meant her massive problem. But she carefully continues to cover her secret, and I know she’ll cover mine. I meet Charlotte’s gaze before I speak. “I’m the girl they’re talking about. The one the reporters are trying to find. But when I went there, it was to fight, nothing else.”
“I believe you,” she replies. “So, what’s your plan?”
I get her meaning. She’s not the only one who needs to figure shit out. The wheel of fortune keeps turning, and our luck flips with every spin. Charlotte’s life will never be charmed again, and mine never was. We’ll always have something to deal with. Sometimes I envy people with normal problems, but what’s normal now?
“Have you asked your mother about it?” I ask Wyatt nervously. “I hope you didn’t. I don’t think you should.”
Wyatt shakes his head. “I haven’t mentioned it yet. She likes you, but she’s also concerned. And if she hears about Ted…” Wyatt’s voice trails off.
Justin scoffs. “My father, the dealbreaker in everyone’s life.”
I wince, but it’s true. Lia is the only parent that likes me, but when she hears that I was involved in the shit at the Pit…Well, she won’t like me anymore. It’ll be obvious why the other parents hate me. I’ve used up my excuses, even though it’s not my fault.
“Does Lia know what you used to do?” I ask him quietly. By now, we all know that Wyatt did more than invest in the club, but it was different back then for us. It was thrilling to watch him in the ring, his skin covered in sweat and his muscles popping as he pounded another opponent into the ground. And I miss showing off my own crazy skills. Now, the thought of the place I used to love to hang out in makes me cringe.
Wyatt scoffs. “She has no idea how I was supporting myself.”
I try hard not to look at Charlotte as the room lapses into silence. The energy is weird as we’re being truthful with one another about a future that we have to figure out. We’ve never spoken this openly about all the shit we have to deal with, but it’s hard to come clean. There have been multiple challenges, but being honest and risking being judged is the hardest.
“Your mother is our best shot at protecting Astrid,” says Pierce, “And if she likes her…”
Wyatt cuts him off. “I don’t feel comfortable about it anymore. I’ll admit it here and now…I want my mom to like you, Astrid.”
Bryce glares at his feet, and the tone is harsh. “After seeing what my parents stirred up, I hardly blame you. Astrid can’t go to court. We have to make sure Ted is dealt with, but you can’t be hurt in the process.”
Pierce stares at Wyatt. “I don’t want to sound crass…”
“The money isn’t that important,” Wyatt replies quickly, “I can start borrowing from my uncle. A few more years, and we’ll be okay. And then I’ll deal with my uncle.”
“What money?” Charlotte’s voice rises above the conversation, and Bryce glances at me while I study my fingernails. Charlotte will need money soon, and she knows it. And I know that feeling of being hyper-aware whenever money is mentioned. I lift my gaze toward Bryce. Charlotte can’t do this.
Wyatt sighs. “They were going to offer my mother money to testify in Astrid’s place.”
“It’s not a good idea,” I cut in quickly. “If the court figures out his mother is lying, then the whole case is thrown out, if there is one.”
“Not necessarily,” says Charlotte. “I can testify for you by being a witness to what you’ve told me.”
“How do you know that?” Pierce stares at her.
“I’ve been researching the law recently.” She talks to the floor. “And I know things because I check the news. I look at more than social. I could do it,” she says. “I could testify in your place. Or you could testify anonymously.”
I shake my head, and the others express doubt, but Charlotte turns her attention to Bryce. “You talk to her. Convince Astrid that I’m right. I have nothing to lose. Nothing at all.”
Chapter 19