Page 50 of Spiteful Lies
“Sorry, but I needed to cry.” She blows her nose, but her eyes shine as if she might start again.
I try. “Charlotte, it will be okay. People want to help you, and there’s no shame in accepting. It will make you stronger to know people care about you. I know from experience. That’s not bullshit speaking.”
Charlotte winces as if my words have pained her and not helped at all. “It’s not that,” she says.
“What then?” I ask. “Has someone said something to you? Who’s been talking to you? I’ll go talk to them.”
“Astrid, I’m being kicked out. I can’t come back to Stonehaven after Christmas unless I accept the scholarship. All the money I have in my accounts won’t cover my tuition.”
I throw my hands down to my sides and sigh. “Charlotte, for fuck’s sake, please take the scholarship.”
She shakes her head as if I’m telling her to run through campus wearing a sign that reads “I’m a broke ass.” “I used to tease people like you,” she says, “and now, I am that person. That person I used to bully. If Howland wanted to shame me, he should have called me out on that. Testifying on your behalf was a small way to make up for the shit I’ve done. Plus, I need a parent to cosign.”
“You didn’t tell Rawlins, did you?” My eyes narrow as I will her to tell me the truth.
“In the end, I didn’t have to,” she says, “Howland sent Rawlins to do the dirty work for him. She told me that he’s amended his will. I’m out. Not a penny. My account has been closed. Luckily, I had three he knew nothing about. I won’t receive anything, not even my trust, when I turn twenty-one. I know Mom left money for me, but her will has disappeared.”
“That asshole,” I snarl.
“That’s too kind,” Charlotte replies, “So, I’m going to have to face the judgy world sooner or later. Might as well start ASAP.”
“It isn’t fair.” I hold her hand firmly in mine. “I’ll help you. Whatever I have is yours. Fifty-fifty. We’ll split it. I wouldn’t know what to do with all that money anyway. If he dies before the start of term, I’ll pay your tuition.”
My voice trails off. And I wonder if Charlotte knows he’s doing better. He might be in remission. “We’ll figure something out.”
“For now,” she says, “I have to figure out where I’m going to live. I’m sure the mansion is locked tighter than his account at the bank.”
“I’ll get a key from Mrs. Donahue.” Feeling worn the fuck out, we leave it for now and head off campus to eat. No one cares who we are in Weymouth.
Chapter 33
Charlotte and I spend the rest of the weekend together in her room. Wren and Gemma are uninvited. And I tell Charlotte about Detective Taylor. “He gave me his card, but maybe you should take it.”
She shrugs and pops a ranch Dorito in her mouth. “Take a pic and send it to me.”
We lie around in our day-old pajamas, watching streaming and starting to slowly stink like armpits. My bad habits are rubbing off on Charlotte faster than her good manners can stick to me. I sigh audibly as another episode of Gilmore Girls starts and wonder aloud if we could watch anything else. I roll my eyes when Charlotte sucks her teeth and switches on Gossip Girl.
I suck my teeth back. “Bitches die hard, my sister.”
She frowns. “I don’t like watching violence, little miss kick ass. What do you want to watch anyway?”
I can’t think of anything. “Maybe we should bathe and go out. We can put on our dark glasses and hang out at the strip mall.”
Charlotte sticks out her tongue like the thought just tastes terrible. “I’ll compromise, and it’s hard for me to do, so be patient. Don’t roll your eyes, Astrid. We can go to the movies in Weymouth. Okay? Someplace on the highway.”
I shrug my shoulders, but before I can answer, there’s a knock on the door. Charlotte pulls the covers off her and runs for the bathroom. “I’m a stinky mess. Open it slowly, just in case it’s Wren, so I can hide.”
It’s Bryce standing in the doorway, and Charlotte’s face brightens up in a way that I could never make it do. She skips away from the bathroom door, and I tense, wondering if she’s going to hug him. I know how he feels about her, but sometimes I’m not certain.
“We were thinking of going to the movies.” Charlotte wraps her arm around his shoulders. “Drive us.”
Bryce looks at me as if he’s been caught doing something wrong, but what? I know the two are close, but he looks from me to Charlotte and back again. I feel like I shouldn’t be intruding on whatever this is they’re doing. Maybe I’m expecting too much of the boys to only be faithful to me. I’m with three of his friends, so I hardly have any right to get bent out of shape over his tight friendship with Charlotte.
I shrug my shoulders. “It’s a good idea. But I need a shower first, so I’m going to go back to my room.”
Bryce shakes his head. “Yeah, I went there first. And your roommate has company.”