Page 11 of Vicious Kings
He raises his voice. “I’m trying to talk to you.”
I shake my head and take a step back. The anger radiates around my body, and I’m reliving the most painful time of my entire life again. “You’re telling me now?” I snap. “Here.”
“Nova made sure I never got near you,” he replies.
“You never tried.” I turn my back on him. “Let it go, Asher. And leave me alone.”
He doesn’t. “Astrid didn’t talk to you?”
I whirl around, getting back into his face. “I didn’t blow Astrid. It’s not her responsibility to explain your shit actions. You’re not terrorizing me here the way you did back then. You can’t do that again. The people here know how to behave.”
“They’re primal wherever you go. Just wait, Charlotte. They’re no better here.”
“I hate you!” I shout and then pelt his chest with my fists like stones. Dispassionately, Asher stands still and takes it until I’m out of breath. He doesn’t move as I let out a sob. Big, ugly tears wet my face. Dammit. I don’t want to cry, but the frustration takes me over. Why can’t I hurt him? Why do I still care? I stop and catch my breath, pressing my forehead against the rotting wood of the shed. Why won’t he go away?
“Are you okay?” He watches me closely.
I don’t look at him when I finally nod. And I don’t resist when he grabs me and holds me. I do nothing until Asher tries to kiss me. I dig my nails into the sleeves of his jacket as he pins me up against the shed. His heavy breath grazes my forehead, then my ear as his hands grab for my waist under that ridiculous sweatshirt. He pulls me against his body, not allowing for any space. The kiss on my mouth deepens as the length of his body crushes against mine. I stop struggling against him as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and return his kiss.
I should shove him off me. Asher has no right to touch me. Not after what he did. Does he think I am going to let all that hurt go? How dare he kiss me until I moan against his mouth?
I hate that my lips instantly part when he brushes his lips against mine. I hate how my senses ignite when he leans into me. I hate that I press my breasts against his hard chest. And that I move against him, feeling him grow harder against my thigh.
Quickly moving footsteps hurry toward the shed, followed by laughter, and we quickly pull apart. The couple don’t notice us as we start to walk back to the house. Or they don’t care as they enter the empty shed.
“I still hate you,” I tell him, holding myself in my arms.
“That sucks because I want to pound you. You didn’t answer me before. Are you still using your account?”
I glare at Asher, but he won’t make eye contact.
“No, why?” I ask.
“So, then no one here knows about it but me?”
I stop and glare at him. “Not unless you told someone.”
He stares hard at me. “I won’t if you do what you did to me again.”
There’s no point in pretending that I don’t know exactly what he means. He expects me to go down on my knees again for his silence. My eyes lower to his crotch, and I quickly lift my gaze. I know what I should say, but instead, I hurry toward the house without him.
It won’t happen again. My cheeks are burning with rage as I hold back fresh tears. He’s not getting it again. Not after he watched those girls try to shave off all my hair. I swing open the back door and look at him, standing in the yard. He smirks at me, and I want to run at him and scratch his eyes out. Instead, I slam the screen door.
I go from room to room, pushing past people who have had way too much to drink. Some frat boy tries to speak to me and grab my hand, but I angrily yank it away. He laughs at me like I’m the one with the crazy issue, and then something sounds a warning in my brain. My instincts start to see similarities that I had ignored, and a voice in my head tells me to get the fuck out of this place.
“They’re primal wherever you go. Just wait, Charlotte. They’re no better here.”
The stench of sick and sweat is in the stuffy air as I search the first floor. Wren is in a corner talking to a boy and oblivious to the grossness around her. She smiles and stares into the guy’s shiny brown eyes. His hand is against the wall, boxing her in. She’s going to be pissed when I tell her I want to leave now. I don’t want to be left alone with Asher again.
“Wren.” I stand directly behind the guy, but she ignores me. “Wren.”
She doesn’t look my way. Wren keeps her eyes on the cute guy. At Stonehaven, this would’ve been unacceptable. I spoke, and she came running like a loyal dog. I move so that I’m standing in their space. Her eyes glance over, and her expression is dismissive as she continues the conversation.
Don’t play with me, girl. My old personality takes over as if I’m waking up out of a bad dream. Old Charlotte reappears as my back straightens and gives me strength. I narrow my eyes on her and then turn on him.
“Hey,” I smile, batting my lashes once as if I want him so bad. “I have to talk to my friend.” I end with a giggle.
The guy’s gaze slides down my body and up again. He looks into my eyes and smiles. “Sure, and your name is?”