Page 26 of Vicious Kings
I make myself cum, and I let out a soft sob, freezing in a silent scream. A tear escapes from my eye, and I’m surprised that I came so intensely. Panting, I lie there with my legs open wide as I drift down gently.
Asher has never seen me more exposed than this.
Something slams, and my eyes open swiftly. Asher is standing beside my desk, his back carefully positioned to the screen. I watch him with wide eyes as he comes nearer. His mouth is tight, and his eyes blaze. I move closer to the wall, feeling an icy chill over my skin. I was so stupid to think I could control him.
“You promised,” he says, pulling down his fly. “We had an agreement.”
I curse myself for playing with him, but my mouth is hungry for his gorgeous cock. He stands by the edge of the bed, gripping it tightly in his hands. His hand moves in a blur as he pushes and pulls it in his punishing grip. His eyes squeeze tight, and he shudders, hunching his shoulders as the tip shoots out his seed onto my bare breasts. I reach up, holding my breasts together as I gasp. The heat of him on me sends tremors through my body, and I rub my clit until I cum again.
Asher’s breathing is ragged as he stumbles back. He stares at me, his mouth twisted, and that look sweeps into his eyes. I want to know what he is thinking, but he won’t say. Asher grabs the comforter off the floor and drapes it over me, then hurries out the door.
Wrapped in it, I slip off the bed, pressing my head against the door as I lock it. No one knows what we just did. But my mind whirls, hating him for outwitting me again. Nothing will stop him when Asher eventually takes me. I know I won’t say no when he asks again.
I wipe myself with tissues and debate on taking a quick shower. If anyone is undecided about us, they’ll know if they see me taking a shower. Instead, I’ll put my clothes on and shower at the gym.
I look under my top and then my jeans, and then under my chair. My panties are gone. And a tingle shoots deep inside my pussy, making it soaked again.
Chapter 19
“How’d you do on your exams?” Jaxon asks while we hang out on the porch of Alpha’s house. The air is getting a chill in it that makes wearing an extra layer a necessity. But going inside to stay warm isn’t compelling yet. The biting cold of October makes me alert and keeps me aware of all the shit going on around me.
“I got my name right.” Laughing, I’m not giving much away. I studied like my life depended on getting all As because it does. I can’t afford to slide backward in life. School is a path to a different life than these people cannot comprehend.
He taps his bottle of artisanal cider against mine, and we take a swig of the bougie stuff. Alpha is the frat to pledge—they make sure they have the best of everything. The best parties, the best brew, and the best women.
“Asher, what are you playing tonight?” Jaxon shouts across the porch. Asher is leaning against the rail, looking out onto the street, and moody as fuck. His old man came to visit him a few days ago, and instead of fucking up his social life, the derelict increased his demand. The girls in the dorm have nicknamed himbiker boy.
“Iron Maiden, for the ladies,” he answers.
Jaxon scowls at him like he’s crazy. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Asher turns and hoists himself up easily onto the railing. “The only reason why I listen to dance music is to watch them bounce.”
Jaxon raises his bottle to that and takes another sip. “Lot of quality shaking around here.”
Asher looks over at me, and I raise my bottle but keep my thoughts to myself. Asher still won’t admit he’s from Weymouth. He has to be. But I’ve backed off from asking. I suspect Charlotte and Sher have spent a lot of time together, but that would mean she had to have lived in Weymouth at some point. Prisha talks a lot, and once, she said something about homeschooling.
Samuel Dyer, the president of Alpha, steps out onto the porch, bundled up in a plaid flannel lined jacket. He’s been an Alpha since his freshman year, and Jaxon is a shoo-in. And by association, Asher and I are there. But we have to follow the rules.
“So, you guys are pledging.” He smiles broadly and sits in the spot next to Jaxon on the porch couch.
“Of course, man,” Jaxon laughs, “This is the frat on campus.”
“You’re an easy in,” he says, “All of you are. We go after brothers who add to our status while bringing yours up.”
I smile tightly, wondering what the fuck that means. Sam has to have another angle.
He looks at me. “Who’s the blonde I see you with sometimes, Hudson?”
My jaw tightens, but my smirk stays in place. “What blonde?” I ask vaguely. “There are several—real and bleached.”
Sam laughs. “The uptight one with the tight jeans. Man, are you hitting that?”
I smile. “Not yet, but I will.”
“They have a wager,” Jaxon points to me and then Asher, who hides his scowl by taking a swig of beer, “to see who sexes her up first.”