Page 16 of Vengeful Queen
I freeze as he stares at me. I take my hands away and look away. Money isn’t always going to be the solution. Tears spring to my eyes, and I hate myself for crying again. Am I manipulating him by being weak? Sometimes being brave is too much. And now is not the time to act as if I don’t care. “Please don’t leave me,” I whisper.
Asher winces as if I pushed my nails into skin. “You’ll be okay. Jaxon and Hudson will be here for you.”
“But not you.”
His expression becomes unreadable. The look of confusion returns as if he won’t believe me when I tell him I want him. Asher can’t be replaced. We have to stay together. But before I can tell him how much I need him, a scream from the hallway causes us to part.
My breath stops as the sickening shouts grow louder. Asher flies out the door before I can even move. He races down the hallway toward the fire door. It’s happening again, but instead of Jaxon, it’s Hudson. He’s huddled by the door, holding his stomach and banging his fist against the metal door. It echoes, drawing people to it. Thankfully, there is no blood.
“Fuck!” he shouts as a small crowd gathers. “I almost had the fucker.”
Asher starts running, taking the steps down, two at a time. Two more guys from the floor join in the chase, and we watch them through the heavy glass as they spread out as soon as they reach the path.
Wren appears out of nowhere, placing a hand on Hudson’s shoulder. She looks at me. “My room is the closest. Let’s bring him in there.” Her room is only two doors away from the stairwell, and Hudson moves carefully down the hallway.
“Should we call the campus police?” she asks.
“No!” Hudson and I shout in unison as we enter her room. Hudson collapses into Prisha’s stripped bed. I look around for her, but she’s nowhere. At least he won’t mess up her bedding. Hudson takes in deep breaths as Wren shuts the door, blocking out curious onlookers.
“How bad is it?” I ask.
It’s obvious Hudson is in pain by his contorted expression. “He just knocked the wind out of me.” He takes in another painful breath as his eyes flutter shut.
“Was it the same man?” asks Wren.
“He had on a leather jacket with patches,” replies Hudson. “It was the same jacket that Jaxon described. But he wasn’t looking for you, Charlotte.”
I share a shocked look with Wren. “How do you know?” She’s quicker to ask than I am.
Hudson grimaces as he moves his body into a comfortable position, lying flat on his back. “He told me right before he jumped me. He doesn’t want me around you.”
Involuntarily, I look around the room as if the creep is hiding in a dark corner. I feel sick and dizzy, knowing that man watches who I spend my time with. Did he follow me and Hudson to the Heights? My knees feel boneless as I sit down heavily at Wren’s desk. It had to be him following us when we left the Airbnb. Did he watch us through the second-story window? My mind pictures the bedroom we rent, and I can’t remember if we pulled the shades shut or closed the curtains.
I force the bile back down my throat with a strong gulp and return to Hudson. His face is no longer red, but beads of sweat stand out on his forehead. Wren hands me a tissue box, and I gently dab away the sweat as he watches me through his thick lashes.
“I’ll leave you two alone for a bit,” says Wren.
“What about Prisha?” I ask. “When’s she coming back?”
Wren’s look darkens as she walks to the door. “Don’t worry about her. You’ll be alone.”
“Thanks.” I am learning the hard way who I can count on. As soon as she leaves, I turn to Hudson. “I’m sorry for what I said. I shouldn’t have shamed you.”
“It’s okay, Charlotte. You’re going through a ton of crap right now. It’s impossible to stay clean.”
“It’s not okay,” I argue. “I hoped to make it on my own, but when things turn bad, I act as if I’m at Stonehaven again.” I scoff. “You’re in pain, and I’m talking about myself.”
Hudson lifts himself up on his elbow and kisses me. His lips feel smooth against mine as we lock together like magnets. I take pleasure in the gentleness of his mouth and press my mouth harder into his. My hands reach up, and I hold on to him. I feel him tense then relax into it. He pulls me closer, pressing his chest against mine.
“Not here,” I whisper. “Maybe later in my room?”
He smiles and lies back down again. “I wondered how you really felt about me.” He holds my hand and presses a kiss against it. “We didn’t have a good start. I thought I hated you, but the more I know you, the more I realize I hated the idea I created in my head. My father is gone and so is Howland. Let us look out for you, Charlotte. We want to do it. And I want a second chance.”
I roll my LV suitcase down the hallway into Hudson and Jaxon’s room. Everyone knows about the stalker on the loose, so no one judges. Later, Jake stops by with a campus security guard, and they talk to me. I doubt they can do anything, and I’ve already texted Astrid’s gym in Rockingham. My answers to their questions are vague but sincere. In all honesty, none of us know who the man is. Jaxon is the only one who saw him clearly, and the man’s name remains a mystery. But a few things are certain. He isn’t a student or local. I’m convinced he’s from Monarch Academy.
After they leave, the four of us sit in a circle on the floor, sharing a large pizza and a six pack of Coke. We eat in silence, trying to calm the fuck down. Asher sits beside me and leans in close. “I’m not leaving until he’s caught,” he says.